Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Brevities #15 Don't Tax Me Bro-I'm a Democrat

 The Onion is redundant;

Portland Mayor Pepper Sprays Man Who Confronted Him


Don't tax me bro!! Amazing how when it hits progressive Californians in their back pockets they change their tune.

"Anne Dunsmore, a Republican fundraiser who is leading the recall effort, said that is precisely the type of Silicon Valley donor she is pursuing to finance her effort.

“It’s a cautious industry. And historically, it’s been very Democratic,” she said. “Now, when you start talking about lost business in the state of California and facing the idea that you might have to move out and move your entire business, people start taking a different view of where they stand.”


No comment needed

"Biden Touts California as Model for America"




"BTW, we're still waiting for the "rules" that explain why, 19 days after the fact, we still don't know who shot Ashli Babbitt. On the other hand, 2 days after Jacob Blake was shot, BLM spokespeople demanded the identity of the shooter, and he was shortly thereafter identified."


American Thinker and OANN. Echo chambers and often OTT. Only worth checking in to now and then to see what the latest line is and rarely to be taken seriously.

To be taken seriously; Baris/Rasmussen/The Federalist

To be taken with an open mind; Free Beacon/Power Line

When raw meat is needed on the menu; The Other McCain/Ace Of Spades

When echo chamber whimsy is required; PJ Media/Town Hall


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