Friday, January 22, 2021

The Truth About Quinnipiac Polling Now At Wikipedia

Wikipedia has taken upon itself to write scathing entries on Parler and Gab as repositories of "right wing extremism" They also degrade Rasmussen Polling and lauded Quinnipiac.

I have taken it upon myself to "adjust" the entry for Quinnipiac as per below. As of this writing it is still up which shows they, Quinnipiac, don't even bother even check their write up much less check the "facts" of their "polls."

"The Quinnipiac University Poll is a public opinion polling center based at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. It surveys public opinion in Connecticut, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, and nationally.[2]

In the 2020 presidential election Quinnipiac performed disastrously with their final poll giving Biden an 11 point lead over President Trump. In their state elections polling they were even worse; "As late as Nov. 2, the day before the election, Quinnipiac pollsters showed that Biden had a five-point lead, 47% to 42%, over President Donald Trump in Florida and a four -point, 47% to 43%, lead over Trump in Ohio."

 Earlier "Quinnipiac dropped a (Florida) survey that showed former Vice President Joe Biden up 13 points over President Donald Trump.

“I don’t even look at them anymore,” said Ryan Tyson, a veteran Republican Florida pollster and founder of The Tyson Group, which works with both political parties. “They are not really tied to reality.”

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