Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crooks And Liars Anti-Palin Screed Fails Again

Our good friends at the Texas4Palin blog advised that the people who booked Sarah for the Get Motivated seminar in Houston were so pleased with the result apparently that they have booked her again in Beaumont in March which event "will likely draw a record crowd".

This seems to be a bit at odds with what the  ultra-lefty kiddies site Crooks and Liars (sic) reported "Sarah Palin's debut as a motivational speaker: Houston attendees rate her a 'fail'.They go on to quote their correspondent thusly 'I wasn't motivated,one man said to me'.

 This is the site which ran the 'Palin wears a black bracelet' post which was roundly debunked, but didn't have  the grace to apologize for the article simply posting a 'correction' . If you can bear to read trash, especially the kiddies trying to justify the article-even when it was proven false, it is here .
Crooks and Liars   and here is the adults blog     Texas4Palin

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