Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sarah Palin Leads Latest G.O.P. And Tea Party Presidential Poll

For the second month running Sarah Palin is out in front of the pack in the latest opinion poll of Republicans, and now Tea Party supporters as the presidential candidate of choice.

According to the just released Magellen Strategies poll  Palin is the choice of 28% of likely Republican voters with Huckabee second on 24% and Romney rounding out the top three at 16%. Republicans have a very high opinion of Tea Party supporters-67% expressing a positive opinion, and Tea Party supporters chose Palin above all other candidates by the same 28% of likely  voters.

Of  much interest is the fact that Palin polled best, amongst all candidates amongst female voters, a group which the MSM wisdom has categorized as being the most anti-Palin.

This poll goes a long way to negating the one off, structurally distorted poll, which the liberal MSM has touted which purported to show Palin had strong negatives and over 70% didn't think she was qualified to be President. This poll makes.of course, a mockery of the CPAC straw poll which was representative of no reality outside of the convention hall.

The other theme,which has just be launched as policy by the DCCC that Palin is a negative for Republican candidates in 2010 with an endorsement by her, or a Democratic party campaign tying a Republican candidate to her, is also exploded by this poll. Rand Paul, endorsed by Palin for the Senate polls at 44% whilst Grayson, the other primary candidate polls at 23%.

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