Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Great Polling Day For Palin. Huge Lead in "Hot Air" Poll And In 1st place Tie In PPP Poll

The Hot Air poll for June has Palin not only well out in front of the pack on just under 35% but, significantly, the mere mention by her that Governor Perry would be a suitable candidate saw him vault from nowhere to second place.

This shows that the endorsement power she has, which was on display in the 2010 elections to such an impressive degree, is undiminished. No wonder too that Romney tip toed around her criticism of his health care policies today.

Significantly too, her polling in the Hot Air  review is in an ascending mode, and that only part reflects the massive media coverage she is now getting. No doubt as more GOP voters conclude she is running they will give her an even higher level of support as her bus tour continues through the vital primary states.

The Hot Air Poll mirrors the new ascendancy of Palin in the nationwide PPP (D) Poll which has her now tied for the lead amongst Republican voters with Romney.

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