Friday, June 10, 2011

President Obama's Polling Falls An Incredible 15 Points In One Month

Perhaps economic reality has kicked  in following the euphoria of the Bin Laden killing, perhaps the public understood that the affair was what presidents are expected to do and didn't put to much long term polling value on it.

Perhaps it has been the spectacle of the Obama's living the high life in Europe with Michelle in $1000 dresses whilst home values plummet and unemployment stays high. 

For whatever reason or reasons the polling for President Obama has shown an amazing drop from the 60% approval rating he garnered just a few days ago on May 9th in the Associated Press /GfK poll to the Gallup poll out today which has him at 45% at June 9th

This 15 point drop must be one of the quickest in polling history-certainly in Obama's presidency and if it continues at anywhere near this pace presages bad news for his re-election efforts.

Previous poll which includes the 60% approval only one month ago

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