Friday, June 10, 2011

Sensational Palin Emails; Shocking Revelations Exposed By Major Newspaper

The bastion of establishment probity and respect the Christian Science Monitor has been running a continuous commentary on the just released Palin emails from her time as Governor of Alaska.

As is worthy of a venerable institution like the CS Monitor its investigative journalists have found the following shocking, amazing, possibly career ending revelations so far, including what they rightly categorize as "Big News"

Then on June 27, 2007, came this big news, in an e-mail from "First Dude" Todd: “Sarah says it is OK for Willow’s friends to jump on the trampoline but if they get out of control or one of them gets hurt on state grounds this could be a problem.”
On state business, a quick read of the first batch of e-mails scanned and put online at the nonprofit journalistic site does show that Ms. Palin was quite worked up over the plight of a state-owned dairy that was losing money and in deep trouble when she took office
On family stuff, for instance, the big e-mail dump reveals the startling news that on Feb. 28, 2007, Todd Palin’s state-supplied assistant asked him to send Piper’s skates and helmet down to Juneau because she had ice skating lessons the following week in school.
A Juneau snowmobile club sent along an e-mail lobbying for Todd to join its ranks. Friends sent then-Governor Palin notes pushing their favorite candidates for Fish Board. Ice Alaska asked if Governor Palin would be interested in taking part in an on-ice awards ceremony..
The world awaits with bated breath what  further incredible examples of the terrible, shocking emails contain.The media has in one fell swoop thrown off any hint of left wing bias, and hate towards the Palins a Pulitzer prize would  not be enough for the Monitor.

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