Friday, June 10, 2011

Washpo Hits Rock Bottom "Sarah Palin, Meet Anthony Weiner-What The Two Political Leaders Have In Common"

The Washington Post has give up any pretence  being a quality journal and might as well change the name to Alinksy Liberal Progressive Washington Post"

To create a seeming link between Anthony Weiner and Sarah Palin because they both used emails,one for state business and the other for pornography is beyond any previously seen attempt to smear Palin.

That the body of the article explains the link is that they both used emails and Palin may be embarrassed by what the massive bulk lot of emails from her term as Alaska's Governor may contain. The writer a Jena McGregor,  should be ashamed to have her photo and byline under the heading "Post Leadership" is a disgrace to journalism.

Former governor Sarah Palin and Rep. Anthony Weiner are on opposite sides of the political spectrum but share something in common.

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