Saturday, August 27, 2011

Des Moines Register "Palin Could Take Campaign From 0 To 70 in Nothing Flat"

A wide ranging analysis of the potential in Iowa for Sarah Palin, should she announce a run for president, possibly as soon as September 3rd in Iowa, was posted Chief Political Reporter, Jennifer Jacobs for the Iowa newspaper The Des Moines Register.

Jacobs interviewed two dozen ordinary Iowans and a range of political operatives in a balanced article.listing pros and cons of whether Palin should run (which on balance came out in the positive) which included statements such as; 

"Strategists here said she’s an attractive candidate for many reasons: big name, big charisma, big self-confidence, instant media access, loyal base, socially conservative, tea party sympathizer — and she strikes fear in the hearts of other Republicans, who don’t want to be attacked by her.

“She is a folk hero,” said longtime Iowa GOP operative Doug Gross. “People are intensely interested in her. She gives voice to a part of the party that feels voiceless — the economically stressed and culturally out of place.” and " “She could win the nomination based on message quality alone.”
The full article is AT THIS LINK

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