Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Female Nude In Art Superior To Page 3 Girls

With the  "Page Three Girls" what you see is what you get.There may be an expression of character but it is a character for the camera. The plethora of pulchritude which "The Other McCain" Website refers to most weekends in its aptly named "How to get a million hits on your blog" runs the gamut from cheesecake to Hollywood publicity shots.

Presuming one is of age, and has some experience of what a woman looks, like there is an alternative to viewing the photographic image-not that such viewing is detrimental as it can be fulfilling of course as the female form is one of the beauties of creation.

The female nude, as seen by great artists throughout history, gives an added dimension-or rather dimensions. The great artists presents the form,the inner character, a statement of the values and mores of the society they live in, and of course presents the character of the artist.

Here are a few examples of this inner/outer-model/artist  presentation and a link to a huge list of artists with examples of their nudes.
The glorious Tamara de Lempicka (who was the delightful subject of a previous post) is my personal  favorite artists for her biography alone. Gay and gently masochistic, always a great combination in imagery

 Dali is always fun
 The nude in surrealism has its own sub-category.

Nude Art Galleries

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