Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Update:Gingrich within MOE Of Romney In Ohio-Palin Praises His Debate Performance

  UPDATE; PALIN "Gingrich did the best at the debate tonight" Video link AT THIS LINK

The latest PPP poll shows Newt Gingrich's consistent rise in the polls. The latest Ohio result is perhaps an indication that the rise is accelerating as it is a striking 100% jump from 7% to 14% from August to October.

If the comparison to the last Qinnipiac poll is valid the 4% to 14% is remarkable. At 14% Gingrich is within striking distance of Romney and if this rise continues he will, in due course, overtake him in this key state. He is well placed in third place in Iowa on the latest polling

What this reflects is the performance by Gingrich ion the debates where he is obviously seen as a person of intelligence, experience and an excellent debater. Compared to perry, who has all but disappeared in this Ohio poll, Gingrich stands out head and shoulders  with these qualities.

The main beneficiary of the Perry collapse is of course Herman Cain. However, we have seen this picture before, as one after another shooting star flares up and then out. Gingrich on the other hand is vetted and no one denies his experience. 

He does not seem to suffer from foot in mouth disease either and his statements are worthy of analysis based on their merits not their media "gotcha' value.

If Gingrich's rise continues the prospect of a Tampa convention with may ballots becomes a real one and for Palin supporters is a best case scenario particularly if she endorses him prior to the convention. 

What has been very noticeable is the number of Palin supporters who have published comments stating they are, at least, lookin gat Gingrich with fresh eyes. This will accelerate if he continues to rise in the polls/perform well. If Palin endorses him (or Trump does) then Gingrich will pass Romney.

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