Saturday, November 26, 2011

Palin's Endorsement"difference between getting to accept the nomination at next year's convention or just being third from the right on the stage"

Summoning Palin's Endorsement


As the GOP presidential candidates face ebbs and flows in their campaigns, there is no wonder Governor Palin's endorsement has been sought-after. Real Clear Politics has speculated where the Governor may place her support, but that remains to be seen. What is already quite clear is the candidates know the power the Governor holds. As the 2010 mid-terms elections revealed, her stamp of approval is able to positively influence a campaign, sparking both boots-on-the-ground support and finances. No doubt this is why immediately after announcing her decision not to seek the 2012 GOP nomination, a Palin endorsement was vehemently summoned.

Whomever she chooses to endorse for 2012, if anyone at all, will have a huge base of support from which to draw. While it is not likely that each of Governor Palin's supporters will back the person she backs, many of them are, in fact, waiting for her to say the word. They will then lend their support to that individual, for they believe her choice will be the most common sense choice for defeating President Obama, someone most in line with her values--values they share.

Mark Whittington writes:
The most sought-after endorsement of this political cycle will be from a woman who holds no political office and is not currently seeking one. That is why each of the Republican candidates have done the equivalent of kissing Sarah Palin's ring.

So how, according to Whittington, will the Governor reach such an important decision?
The criteria Palin will use to determine who to endorse will be who will be best for the country, in her judgment, and only secondarily who will be best for her own political fortunes. Palin has some definite ideas about how the United States should be governed, particularly in the suppression of honest graft in the congress and crony capitalism. Whomever is best suited to advance her agenda will get her endorsement.

And just what would a Governor Palin endorsement accomplish?
Palin's endorsement would take a struggling campaign and take it to the top tier. It would take a surging campaign and send it over the top. It could be the difference between getting to accept the nomination at next year's convention or just being third from the right on the stage during the unity demonstration.

Read the full article here.

(h/t Josh Painter/Motivation Truth)

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