Friday, November 25, 2011

Point Of View Fundraiser

It’s been a really long time (almost two years, I think) since I’ve done this.

A number of readers have been very generous over the years both in making one time donations and monthly subscriptions (starting at $5 per month) [Some people have had trouble with these links, if so, use the Donate buttons in the sidebar.].  (Note, donations are NOT tax deductible.)

If folks wish this blog to be more full time then the (financial) golden rule applies. If not then it will continue to be sporadic as it has been since Palin decided not to run, and with diversions into cute animals and page three girls (to keep The Other McCain interested). Or it, sadly, might end. 

 Either way is fine with me but hopefully my point of view has enough insight to warrant a broader range of topics and thus appeal to a broader range of people. Coming up to 150,000 page views indicates, I trust there is a market for what is presented here and, given the crucial year ahead, we all can create together what the masthead says.

Your donation means that together we'll build a strong authentic conservative voice."

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