Saturday, December 3, 2011

Newt Solidifying Iowa lead-Romney 9 Points behind In 3rd

The Iowa Caususes site of the Des Moines Register has a new poll up which shows Newt Gingrich has "carved out a clear lead." The poll of potential Iowa Caucus attendees has Gingrich on 25% Paul on 18% and Romney way back at 16%.

All the other also rans are too far back to even consider. It will be interesting if Santorum gets a boost in the next poll after Palin spoke well of him but at this point, with such a short time to go it is unlikely that he could overhaul Newt's seemingly insurmountable lead.

With Newt way out in front nationally, in Florida, Montana,South Carolina and closing the gap quickly in both New Hampshire and California the game is just about over.

More good news for Newt in this poll:

 "One notable finding: The results show Gingrich’s ascendancy has the potential to grow, pollster J. Ann Selzer said.
More respondents choose Gingrich as their second choice than any other candidate. Together, 43 percent of likely caucusgoers pick him as first or second."

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