Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dan Riehl Asks "Is Santorum The New Palin" Then Gives Effusive Praise To Him

Wow-just wow. After Palin praised Santorum following which I noted that he would surely rise in poll support dramatically the praise for Santorum on the right has reached a crescendo, at least from sites worth following.

Dan Riehl at "Riehl World View" quotes a measured and highly considered analysis from Jonah Goldberg at NRO of where Rick Santorum stands after Iowa;

"I believe in free people and free markets," Rick Santorum told a spirited and well-informed town hall audience last night inBrentwood, a few miles down the road from our hometown, Exeter, New Hampshire. We caught the event in C-SPAN reruns this morning and were struck once again at the disconnect between old-media caricatures of "Soaring Santorum" and the man himself we're coming to know and admire through a full panoply of media, old and new. More on that below. Program Note: We're heading up to Manchester Saturday for "an evening of ruminating, riffing & debate watching" with National Review's Jonah Goldberg and company.

Then Riehl offers this amazing praise to Santorum whose qualities he infers I believe (from the way he headed his post) are Palin's and from which I presume he is offering support, at least in this verbal fashion, to Santorum based on his, Santorum's Palinite values

"Now a larger audience is getting a taste of this authentic, thoughtful, knowledgeable, deliberative, experienced, articulate, principled, humorous and good-hearted man, very much a formidable opponent in any debate with the current Leader of the Free World "…

Stacy McCain will be delighted.

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