Saturday, May 12, 2012

Challenged In "Open Letter" By Anti-Palin Blog I Reply In Devastating Manner

"The Oz Mudflats" Blog published an "open letter" to me entitled "Dear Mr. M. Joseph Sheppard" which I reproduce below. I wish I could give the woman who wrote it/owns the blog a name, but she hides behind the blog. This is also of note, as I stated to her that since she, and her followers, are so dedicated to criticising Sarah Palin's appearance-sometimes in the crudest fashion, it would be instructive if she, and they showed what they look like. 
Then the world could judge their appearance against Palin's and make suitable comments. As would be expected she refused on the grounds that she is "not a public figure." I am not a public figure either but have no qualms about having my name and photo up.  Also, not being a public figure does not justify making demeaning remarks about Palin's face, hands, feet and hair. Neither does slopping around in ones slippers make one a fashion commentator, but to be sure, one would have to see what this blogger wears which sadly we will not be treated to.
Anyway, and not that it will make the slightest of difference to her and her band of people whose sole purpose in in life appears to be criticizing someone who is simply a pundit like many others-a very strange hobby indeed, I rise to the challenge. Whilst I have many posts on Palin, my blog is catholic and discursive, and runs from topics on derivation in art, to Robert Frost, to Al Luplow. The other thing I find particularly puzzling is why there is so much emphasis in the "open letter" on Palin's charitable practices, which comments, as will be shown, are wrongly presented anyway.
Firstly, how does the critic know what a private person contributes to charity? Since Palin's tax records are her own business, who is to say that she does not give more to charity as a percentage of her income than President Obama for example? Secondly, why choose only Palin from the non-victorious vice-presidential candidates? Why not also comment on how much Edwards, or Lieberman, or Quayle or Mondale give to charity? But as I said there will be little logic involved and much illogical emotion behind such "analysis".
Nevertheless, in the vain hope of at least getting such die-hards, who are chasing a chimaera, as Palin is not a candidate (and according to the left is "irrelevant") I present the letter to me and, since only massive amounts of proof are required, a full list of answers to their purported facts-in polite and honest reply.
Dear Mr. M. Joseph Sheppard
Thank you for commenting on my blog. I just have a couple of questions…
On July 3, 2009 Sarah Heath Palin, in a dramatic announcement on her back lawn, quit her job as governor of Alaska because, she said, her presence was a distraction to the state and she would be able to do more for Alaskans and the country out of office than stuck in a lame duck term. With the help of a ghost-writer, Sarah Palin finished and subsequently had published her autobiography called Going Rogue and was on a whirlwind book-signing tour by November.
Her PAC continued to rake in the same big bucks as it did while she was the VP candidate on John McCain’s 2008 ticket. She personally rakes in $1mil per year working part-time for Fox News Channel. What I want to know is this:
What is it – specifically – that Sarah Heath Palin has done for Alaska and the country with this new-found wealth of time and money?
Has she founded any groups to help underprivileged children be better fed or educated?
Has she funded any drives to help native Alaskans in rural communities supplement their critically low food and heating supplies, issues they face yearly along with flooding that now comes from eroding coastal shores?
Has she donated her time and made sizable  donations to promote Down Syndrome awareness?
Has her PAC fully financed Republican candidates for the 2010 and 2012 election cycles?
Since walking out on her role as governor of Alaska to purportedly ‘do good’ for state and country, Sarah has had three winters to make her mark as charity leader for multiple causes for her state and six opportunities to enroll in university semesters that would extend her political resume and broaden her education. Has she?
The unfortunate answer to each of these questions is nup, nup and nup. In fact I see nothing that even remotely resembles sacrifice on her part in either time or money to promote any of the issues she told us emphatically were close to her heart. She didn’t personally pay for her scant trips abroad.  Because she refused to come out of her hotel room and mingle with the people, India and Israel media treated her like a rock star rather than a travelling dignitary. And what her PAC didn’t pay for on her overseas junkets, Evangelist groups like Samaritan’s Purse, did.
On behalf of Sarah Palin (the now millionairess) SarahPAC made a one-time contribution of $1,000 to Down Syndrome Assoc.(Sarah Heath Palin charges $100k + for each speech she makes on anyone’s behalf, while enjoying first class accommodations wherever she travels at the expense of the group who hired her to speak. Sarah and Todd could easily have made this donation themselves.)
You can count on less than ten fingers the number of campaign contributions SarahPAC has made to Republican candidates since its founding. (Even though, it’s interesting to note, the entire point of a PAC is for a popular politician to elicit funds and publicity for the lesser known candidates they wish to support, SarahPAC seems always more eager to pay extraordinarily large salaries to a handful of staff, picking up the tab for Sarah’s airfares and hotel accommodations while she travels to make her $100k speeches and – oddly enough – the massive postage needs of three ladies in Wasilla. Oh and let’s not omit the huge monthly retainer fee to her flavour of the month attorney.)
Sarah Heath Palin banked in excess of $7 – 10 million dollars by 2010 and has, by virtue of public records, donated nothing to any of her purported pet causes. Not time, not money, nothing. She’s not formed a single fund-raising drive for native Alaskans in danger of losing their homes and livelihoods to the growing negative effects of global warming on their villages. She’s not run one ad campaign to save Alaskan fishing sites from big oil or mining companies attempting to destroy the Alaskan waterways in the name of profits.
In fact, for someone who grew up in America’s last frontier and helped eke out a living by fishing its shores, Sarah’s not done anything at all to promote environmental preservation. (At least nothing that personally cost her a single penny.)
Show me what Sarah has accomplished for Alaska and her country since the summer of 2009 without citing speeches one must purchase a ticket to attend and don’t use the stale  ‘well she’s busy taking care of Trig’ because (a.) we know that’s not entirely true and (b.) she assured all of us, way back in September of 2008, that raising a child with DS would not come between her and her political duties, that she was a hockey mom with a servant’s heart and could do both with ease.
Since July 2009 Sarah has published 2 lucrative books, built a new home in Alaska, purchased another home in Arizona, made a self-serving television program and flown back and forth between Alaska, Arizona and California to supervise home improvements and appear on DWTS with her daughter, Bristol, (take a breath) but I hardly see these events as being beneficial to state or country. – and no proceeds were ever donated to charities.
She did make a 2011 pre-campaign-campaign tour of a few north-eastern US states (telling Piper they and her accompanying parents were on a family vacation) in a fully outfitted bus-length RV wrapped in $14k worth of PAC donation-paid political propaganda – all the while charging her PAC for hired limos and first-class hotel rooms and meals.
And so, Mr. M. Joseph Sheppard, you see we’re not just ‘catty’ over here on the left. We actually do our homework, get our facts straight and are not opposed to listening to the other guy’s point of view.
Show me how Alaska and the country have benefited from Sarah Heath Palin having quit her governorship. Show me where she’s shared her good fortune with those less fortunate. Show me.
Respectfully yours,
P.S. I am a copywriter by trade, fully employed and it’s no secret that as I have the luxury of working from my home, most of my typing is done in bunny slippers and pj’s.

1.  Why Sarah resigned from office 

Palin Ethics Complaints May Have Connection to Lower 48 Democrats,2933,530620,00.html

Palin Ethics Investigator Closely Tied to Democratic Party (thx C4P)

Alaska Palin Foe Rewarded With Key Obama Post

Alaska’s Left Trying to Stop the Palinator, That’s Like Trying to Stop a Bullet Train with Your VW Bug

Barack Obama’s Alaska Mafia Is On The Run And Angry The Spotlight Is On Them (Gary Jackson)

For Jesse Griffin (Gryphen) and the Alaskan bloggers, the game has changed.

2.  Sarah actively involved in writing Rogue

Dad says Palin focusing on book

Guts and grace (WORLD Magazine’s Lynn Vincent Chosen as Collaborator on Sarah Palin’s Book

Palin Finishes Memoir, Release Date Moved Up

Palin picks evangelical magazine editor to collaborate on memoir

3. "Whirlwind book tour"  evidence of Sarah's popularity and support

4.  Ditto for contributions to SarahPAC

5. What has Sarah done for Alaska?

Raising awareness of Alaska and its beauty, increasing tourism through Sarah Palin's Alaska and her constant plugs for Alaska during her speeches in the Lower 48.  She put Alaska on the map more than anyone before her.

Palin celebrates Alaska’s 50th anniversary at home of William Seward in upstate NY,0,3917650.story

Palin connects with her state’s roots

Her official  responsibilities for state issues were transferred to her successor at the time of her resignation.

6.  What has Sarah done for the country?

Uses Facebook and FOX News as platforms to speak out on issues of national importance.

Calls Obama and out consistently when others do not and fights against governrment expansion and corruption.

Examples:  death panels, crony capitalism

2010 Elections:  Her endorsements were a strong factor in taking back the House in 2010.

Fundraising for GOP, military, special needs.

Chance Of A Lifetime: Dinner With Sarah Palin

Going Rogue Jacket Winner: Jacket Received

FOOD BANK: Canned, boxed food donations to be taken at Palin book signing

Sarah Palin does the Turkey Trot, helps raise a record $45,000 for charity in Washington state

7.  Trying to dictate Sarah's priorities

Even Sarah's supporters are guilty of this.  Everyone wants Sarah to do things their way, but Sarah is not dictated to by others.  She sets her own priorities, follows a keen political instinct, and relies on prayer for strength and guidance.

8.  Underprivileged children

See Item 7.

9.  Native Alaskans - food, heating supplies, flooding

A Google shows that the loony left has attacked Sarah over and over on Native Alaskan issues.

But these links show she was actively engaged in Native Alaskan issues while Governor.  Her official responsibilities in this area ended when she resigned.

Headlines with links to can be found at 

Palin declares disaster as Eagle experiences worst flood on record

Palin cancels East Coast trip, views Yukon River flood damage

Palin heads to villages with Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse Christian group

Palin hears first-hand rural Alaska’s concerns

Palin hits Eagle; Evacuations in Kwethluk\

Palin Sends Postmaster General Letter Expressing Concern Over Rate Increases

Palin Signs Disaster Response  Agreement – State and FEMA Help for Flood Recovery

AK Governor Sarah Palin Prepares for Federal Disaster Declaration in Flooded Interior

Palin Visits Flood Devastated Communities

Palin lands in Eagle to survey ice, flood damage

Flood warning on for Russian Mission; Palin visits Tanana

Governor Palin Requests Federal Disaster Declaration – 2009 spring floods one of worst seasons on record

Governor Palin Requests Preliminary Damage Assessment from FEMA Teams will evaluate loss and set the stage for federal disaster declaration

Governor Palin’s Travel Plans Up in the Air; Blame Mother Nature

Governor Palin Surveys Flood Damage in Interior (official statement)

Governor Palin Visits [Flood-Ravaged]Tanana

Governor Views Flood Zone as Emergency Teams Respond

10.  PAC should fully finance candidates

It is not customary for a PAC or anyone else for that matter to fully finance candidates.  

11. Time and donations for Down Syndrome awareness

Governor Palin Receives IGHL Award for Defending People with Special Needs

12.  Charity leader for multiple causes for her state

See Item 7.

13.  6 semesters to extend political resume and broaden her education

As do most politicians at her level, Sarah works with political consultants, such as Peter Schweizer the author of Throw Them All Out.  Her political resume already includes more CEO experience (as Mayor and Governor)  than that of Obama, who has none.

This is an insult about her education and preparedness.

14.  No sacrifice to promote issues dear to her heart

Contribution of speaker fees after taxes.  

15.  Didn't personally pay for "scant" trips abroad

Expenses were included in her contracted fee.

High profile speeches and a side trip to Israel from India.  Visited Alaska National Guard in Kuwait.

Hong Kong (CLSA) Speech

India Today Conclave

Trip to Israel

Governor Palin Visits ANG in Kosovo

Governor Sarah Palin Visits Task Force Arctic Eagle Soldiers in Kosovo

Governor Palin Welcomes International Diplomats

16.  Huh?  " Because she refused to come out of her hotel room and mingle with the people, India and Israel media treated her like a rock star rather than a travelling dignitary."

Statement makes no sense.  Leaders  of Sarah's stature have to exercise  strict security precautions wherever they go.  Her popularity is indeed as great as that of a rock star but for very different reasons.

17.  Huh?  again.  "And what her PAC didn’t pay for on her overseas junkets, Evangelist groups like Samaritan’s Purse, did."

Doubt that Samaritan's Purse paid any of her travel expenses, but if they did, it would only have been for the trips she made with them.

Also doubt the PAC paid for her overseas trips.  Most likely her travel expenses were part of her speaking fee.

18. " SarahPAC made a one-time contribution of $1,000 to Down Syndrome Assoc....Sarah and Todd could easily have made this donation themselves."

Sarah is a private citizen, and to my knowledge, she is not required to report her personal donations.  Occasionally, she does so voluntarily, but like most of her private life, this is something she is not obligated to disclose.  In fact, to openly brag about her contributions would be in conflict with her Christian faith, which teaches that giving should be done privately without fanfare.

19.  "Sarah Heath Palin charges $100k + for each speech she makes on anyone’s behalf, while enjoying first class accommodations wherever she travels at the expense of the group who hired her to speak."

Sarah has a contract with Washington Speakers Bureau, who sets the amount of her fees and provide her traveling expenses and accomodations.

20.  Number of campaign contributions SarahPAC has made to Republican candidates

See Item 21.

21. "SarahPAC seems always more eager to pay extraordinarily large salaries to a handful of staff, picking up the tab for Sarah’s airfares and hotel accommodations while she travels to make her $100k speeches and – oddly enough – the massive postage needs of three ladies in Wasilla. Oh and let’s not omit the huge monthly retainer fee to her flavour of the month attorney."

Washington Speaker's Bureau pays for airfare and hotel accommodations to Sarah's "$100k speeches"

Ron's article on how SarahPAC is run:

HuffPo negative but shows 529 receipts from donors;

FEC disclosures:  You can easily see from these few disclosures that SarahPAC gave to many political campaigns.  The author claims that you can count them on the fingers of one hand.

SarahPAC gave max to 12 campaigns just before Q2 ended

"Flavour of the month attorney":  She's only had two. John Tiemessen and Tom Van Flein, who moved out of state to accept a new position:

22.  "Sarah Heath Palin banked in excess of $7 – 10 million dollars by 2010 and has, by virtue of public records, donated nothing to any of her purported pet causes. Not time, not money, nothing. "

Sarah has spoken at numerous fundraisers for the special needs community and has defended the attacks of liberals against those with special needs:

She often returns her speaking fee after taxes to the charity she raises money for:

Governor Palin announced that after she paid her taxes on it, she would be returning her speaking fee to the P. U. R. E. Ministry. (I was there.)

23.  "For someone who grew up in America’s last frontier and helped eke out a living by fishing its shores, Sarah’s not done anything at all to promote environmental preservation. (At least nothing that personally cost her a single penny.)"

See Item 7.

24.  "Show me what Sarah has accomplished for Alaska and her country since the summer of 2009 without citing speeches one must purchase a ticket to attend and don’t use the stale  ‘well she’s busy taking care of Trig’ "

25.  "Since July 2009 Sarah has published 2 lucrative books, built a new home in Alaska, purchased another home in Arizona, made a self-serving television program and flown back and forth between Alaska, Arizona and California to supervise home improvements and appear on DWTS with her daughter, Bristol, (take a breath) but I hardly see these events as being beneficial to state or country. – and no proceeds were ever donated to charities."

See Item 18.

26.  "She did make a 2011 pre-campaign-campaign tour of a few north-eastern US states (telling Piper they and her accompanying parents were on a family vacation) in a fully outfitted bus-length RV wrapped in $14k worth of PAC donation-paid political propaganda – all the while charging her PAC for hired limos and first-class hotel rooms and meals."

See Item 21.  

27.   "We actually do our homework, get our facts straight."

Quite a bit of distortion of facts in her article.  But considering the blogs that she reads, that should be no surprise.

28.   "Show me how Alaska and the country have benefited from Sarah Heath Palin having quit her governorship. Show me where she’s shared her good fortune with those less fortunate. Show me. "



Palin Reduces Budget By Nearly A Half Billion Dollars

Printable Flyer Highlighting Governor Sarah Palin’s Accomplishments

Sarah Palin's Accomplishments

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