Friday, May 11, 2012

Palin Endorsed Nebraska Sen. Candidate Fischer On TV Exclaims"Great Endorsements As Race Tightens


Fischer rides momentum in tight U.S. Senate race

by Katie Gauthier

The race for Nebraska's next United States senator has taken a dramatic turn. Some polls show Deb Fischer closing the gap on long time leader John Bruning.

News 5's Katie Gauthier went to Lincoln Friday to talk to Fischer.

After previously running ads directed mainly towards Don Stenberg, John Bruning is now running an ad targeting both of his top opponents.

Deb Fischer held a news conference today to call on Bruning to pull the ad.

This new ad has a big response from opponent Deb Fischer.

"Mr. Bruning's sinking in the polls and now he's resorting to these last minute attack ads to bring me down," Fischer said.

Some say the ad points out that Bruning now sees Fischer as a top competitor.

"In fact, I had someone early on in this campaign ask me how are you going to know when you're ahead in this race, when you're the frontrunner? And I said when I get attacked," said Fischer.

Recent polls even suggest Fischer's rise to the top.

"We have great momentum. The polls are showing that this is a very, very tight race. I've received some great endorsements in the last couple days," said Fischer.

And the third opponent, Don Stenberg agrees the race is tightening.

"I think John Bruning started with a lead of 30 points and I think that lead has shrunk down to almost nothing. So I think it's a very competitive race," said Stenberg.

And who does he think undecided voters will vote for?

"As they look at the race as they decide they don't want John Bruning and I think many of them in the end are going to support Don Stenberg," said Stenberg.

Saying that he still has a strong chance to win the votes.

Does Stenberg see Fischer as a main competitor?

"They just don't know that much about Deb Fischer," Stenberg said.

Perhaps the biggest push in Fischer's campaign came Wednesday when Sarah and Todd Palin announced their endorsement for her campaign.

And now Nebraska United State's Representative Jeff Fortenberry is backing Fishcer as well.

Voting takes place next Tuesday.

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