Do conservatives want to defeat Hillary in 2016 at all costs?
In my opinion 2016 will be the last chance for the "progressive" tide to be rolled back, especially as regards the Supreme Court, in the social sphere and the economic.
The question that follows is "is Jeb Bush, if emotion about his name is removed, a true social conservative and in the right place as far as amnesty is concerned?
My article received 365 comments of which 363 were anti-Jeb Bush with only two brave souls seeing the reasoning behind the possibility of a Bush/Palin (or Cruz) ticket. I won't rehash all the points as regards the proposed ticket (in either order of president/VP) it is all at the link above but will add further to the ongoing discussion about the direction of the GOP and Jeb Bush.
Over at Hot Air Allapundit has an article up "Scott Walker Supports Path To Citizenship For Illegals" about which the first readers comment is "now he's toast here." Subsequent comments excoriate Walker as "another Rubio." But one interesting comment is this; "Steve Eggleston; Second look at Jeb?
At this point in time the only leading candidates for 2016 for conservatives who are against blanket amnesty are solidly pro-life and fiscally conservative are Palin, Cruz and;
"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Monday he does not support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., a central provision of immigration reform plans being considered by Congress."
Bush has since amended his thoughts in an article in the WSJ on the senate's immigration bill where he now states inter-alia:
"(it)addresses most of the flaws of the current system. It reduces family preferences, increases the number of high-skilled visas, expands guest-worker programs, and creates a merit-based immigration system for people who want to pursue the American dream. It also offers a path to citizenship for those who were brought here illegally as children, and dramatically increases resources and tools for border security.
The bill also invites people who came here illegally to come out of the shadows through a provisional resident status. It does not provide an amnesty, that is, a pardon. The Senate bill creates a 13-year probation during which those who came illegally must pay a series of fines and back taxes, undergo background checks, are ineligible for most social services, and must work continuously."
In Texas polling PPP Polling finds Jeb Bush in second place amongst Republicans for the 2016 nomination. Bush is only behind Ted Cruz which is a remarkable result given Cruz's huge popularity amongst conservatives in his home state and Palin's strong backing. If Cruz and Palin do not run then on current polling Bush would win easily. Rubio is way back in the field on only 6%.
The poll finds Bush ahead of Hillary Clinton as well. Although the margin is relatively small 46% to 43% the result is also remarkable given Clinton's huge lead over other Republican possibles in many red states that were polled recently.
I come back to my central point; if Palin and Cruz do not run for president in 2016 and the choice is Jeb or Hillary i.e. between locked in "progressivism' or social and economic conservatism, then Jeb Bush is a sensible choice, (and probably the only Republican who could carry Florida without which no Republican stands a chance) especially if he runs with a true conservative-ideally Palin or Cruz.
Republicans who would stay home in protest at such a ticket "because a Bush" in 2016 would be cutting of their noses to spite their faces and would have eight years of Hillary to enjoy for their purity.
Bush needs to clarify whether the border provisions in the senate's bill are acceptable without further amendment to what Palin calls for i.e. a fully sealed border. His advice that the bill "dramatically increases resources and tools for border security." is not acceptable to conservatives as per this post at Conservatives4Palin
Further, here is Palin's views on the issue from her Breitbart editorial:
"Look no further than the fact that Senator Rubio and amnesty supporters nixed Senator Thune’s amendment that required the feds to finally build part of a needed security fence before moving forward on the status of illegal immigrants who’ve already broken the law to be here."
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