Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Video:Fired Up Palin;"Up To GOP" Re; Convention Delighted In Cruz Victory & Hits Back At Dick Cheney
Gov. Palin Says Her Attendance at Convention Is in RNC’s Hands Sarah Palin appeared with Greta Van Susteren "On The Record" Tuesday night. The former Alaska governor and the host discussed the come-from-behind victory by Ted Cruz in today's Texas GOP primary runoff election for the U.S. Senate and the upcoming Republican convention in Tampa, Florida:
Ron Devito reports: Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin tonight supported Chick-Fil-A’s First Amendment rights, discussed the Ted Cruz Victory, her continued wait on the RNC’s answer about attendance at the GOP Convention, and former Vice President Dick Cheney’s comments about her 2008 Vice Presidential nomination during an interview with Greta Van Susteren from a Fox affiliate’ studio at an unknown location.
Gov. Palin said that David Cathy, the President of Chick-Fil-A was expressing his support of traditional marriage, not gay-bashing. She regarded attempts by the mayors of several cities to boycott the franchise chain as being intolerant, bigoted, and hypocritical. She said that Muslims, Orthodox Jews, Catholics, and Protestants all consider marriage as being between one man and one woman as they have for millennia.
Further, she Obama and Biden also held this belief until they flip-flopped in order to satisfy homosexual campaign donors. Gov. Palin expressed her satisfaction with Ted Cruz’s US Senate Primary victory. She said it was “Tea Party Patriots who worked to get him elected and help get our country back on the right track.” Gov. Palin first learned about Ted Cruz through conservative talk show host Mark Levin. She subsequently learned that Cruz is a Ninth and Tenth Amendment scholar. Van Susteren asked Gov. Palin if she thought the matter of gay marriage should be settled at the national level.
She answered that the dialogue should be held at the national level, but it is up to the states to decide the issue. Gov. Palin had expressed interest in being at the GOP Convention in Tampa, but said the final disposition of her attendance is in the RNC’s hands and she awaits their answer. Van Susteren asked Gov. Palin to respond to Dick Cheney’s comment that selecting her for the VP nomination in 2008 “was a mistake.” She said “if Dick – I mean ‘Vice President’ – Cheney” did not know her record, she felt sorry for him.
Gov. Palin added that the mistake would have been “saying no to service” and “hunkering down in Alaska.” She enjoyed an 86% approval rate prior to her nomination, had ushered in ethics reform and had nearly a dozen crony capitalists sent to jail. She said it was an honor to accept the nomination, an honor to run alongside McCain, and an honor to be the GOP VP candidate. Gov. Palin said “some days, baby you’re the Louisville Slugger, and other days you’re the ball. Right now, I’m the ball – and that’s okay.”
Gov. Palin said she would continue working on her down-ticket candidates, principally for Senate “to transform our government into one that is off the backs of the people and works for the people instead.” Video courtesy of SarahNET | Cross-posted at US for Palin
Remaking Congress In Her Image;25% Of The GOP Senate Could Be Palin Endorsees
Palin stated when she decided against running for president in 2012 "you don't need a title to make a difference". The fact that the Senate is being shaped into "Palin's Senate" election by election, shows this to be true. In fact, in November 12 members of the senate may be there because of Palin's endorsement to one degree or another.
Saxby Chambliss/ Orrin Hatch/Kelly Ayotte/Ted Cruz/Richard Mourdock/ Deb Fischer/Marco Rubio/Rand Paul/ Sarah Steelman/Jeff Flake/Pat Toomey/John Boozman were all assisted by a Palin endorsement of their campaigns.
Certainly Cruz, Fischer, Ayotte and Mourdock may not have been elected if it had not been for Palin's endorsement which even the media acknowledges.
Presuming all are in the Senate in November, which seems likely, that is a substantial block of Palin endorsed conservatives-perhaps 25% of the GOP's Senate Caucus.
Certainly there are also other senators e.g. Jim deMint for example, who would also vote with this conservative bloc.
This, in effect, Tea Party, caucus within the GOP will be a powerful force for the conservative point of view.
Who knows what that may mean if there is a battle for the GOP's 2016 presidential candidate nod. In the meantime it means a solid block of conservative votes in policy making.
Palin's Pick Cruz's Texas Win Is Her 7th Straight Endorsement Victory
Poltico has called it for Cruz.
Ted Cruz, having won the GOP's Texas Senate primary race tonight starting from 3% in the polls, makes it seven straight wins in a row for Palin endorsed candidates. The polling history makes it an indisputable fact that Palin was the key factor in Cruz's rise and victory as he has happily admitted.
The likes of Doug Mataconis at Outside The Beltway and Maggie Haberman at Politico consider Palin has
a "dwindling band of supporters" and "Is not as relevant as she used to be" but clearly the people that count-the voters, think otherwise.
Palin stated when she decided against running for president in 2012 "you don't need a title to make a difference". The fact that the Senate is being shaped into "Palin's Senate" election by election, shows this to be true. In fact in November 12 members of the senate may be there because of Palin's endorsement to one degree or another.
Saxby Chambliss/ Orrin Hatch/Kelly Ayotte/Ted Cruz/Richard Mourdock/ Deb Fischer/Marco Rubio/Rand Paul/ Sarah Steelman/Jeff Flake/Pat Toomey/John Boozman are all assisted by a Palin endorsement of their campaigns.
Presuming all are in the Senate in November, which seems likely, that is a substantial block of Palin endorsed conservatives-perhaps 25% of the GOP's Senate Caucus. Who knows what that may mean if there is a battle for the GOP's 2016 presidential candidate nod. In the meantime it means a solid block of conservative votes in policy making.
Here is the history of Cruz's remarkable rise and the Palin effect on his campaign.
"The Hill" gives credit where it is due "Ted Cruz: the Sarah Palin Phenomenon"
Subsequent to Sarah Palin's endorsement of him, GOP candidate for senator from Texas Ted Cruz has completed the astonishing journey from polling at only 3% to being in the final run-off to winning the primary battle. Cruz having kept the previously presumed winner Dewhurst below 50% in tonight's primary battle.
92% reporting | Ted Cruz | 445,483 | 33.60% | ||||
David Dewhurst | 593,865 | 44.79% |
Clearly this last minute Tweet by Palin to Texans, and her previous robocall, made a major contribution to Cruz's success in getting into the run-off tonight;

Dear Texans, please remember to vote today for Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate! http://fb.me/KpyB3ek3
The Cruz rise follows on from Palin's remarkable success in assisting conservative candidates, who were outsiders and initially polling lowly, into becoming winners. Richard Mourdock in Indiana and Deb Fischer in Nebraska are the two latest, whom even Palin's enemies have grudgingly admitted were assisted by her into the winners circle.
Cruz is the last in the recent trifecta of come from behind wins (Palin also endorsed Hatch in Utah) then his win,following his getting into the run-off by denying Dewhurst a first round victory, will be perhaps the most remarkable of Palin's picks, and her place as king maker will have to be accepted by the punditry.
Of course not all Palin's picks will win.That would be impossible, as some choices will have so little prospect of winning even though they are of outstanding quality. However her winning percentage is remarkable as is the enthusiasm her endorsments bring.
Here is remarkable polling history for Cruz.
January 2011 Dewhurst 23% Cruz 3% (Dewhurst +20)
Post PALIN endorsement poll May 21st
Democrat Pollster PPP Polling (D) on May 24th
Dewhurst 46% Cruz 29% (Dewhurst +17)
PPP also found this result;
Senator Hatch actively sought Palin's interaction and endorsement and, as has been the case with all the people she has endorsed in this magnificent string of wins, he went up in the polls subsequently to 60% to 32%. Prior to Palin's endorsement Hatch had failed to be able to not be primaried as he received 59.1%
In some ways Palin's endorsement of Senator Hatch took more courage than her endorsment of some of the other recent candidates whose electoral path might have seemed to be harder.
Palin received a huge amount of negative comments from the right for her Hatch endorsement but, once again, she has put her principles ahead of whatever personal cost may have come her way. This is why Palin stands head and shoulders above so many in the political world.
Live Link To Texas Senate Election (Cruz) & Georgia (Zoller)
Here is the direct link to the Texas Secretary of State Website which will have the results of the Texas Senate primary battle between Palin endorsed Ted Cruz and Dewhurst. It will update every five minutes.
Here is the link to the Georgia Secretary of State's webpage which has the live results for the 9th District Congressional race for Palin endorsed Martha Zoller
.NB when you get to the Georgia site choose Page 4 from the drop down menu which will take you directly to the Zoller result
Monday, July 30, 2012
Cheney Palin Attack Just Part Of Jeb Bush/Palin 2016 Skirmish
Todo el mondo have weighed into Dick Cheney’s and subsequently Liz Cheney’s comments-for and against Sarah Palin having been chosen by John McCain as his running mate in 2008.
Some of the reactions have been unusual and have stood what might have been expected on its head. Of course the Palin haters like Doug Mataconis from Outside the Beltway ran true to form and used Dick Cheney’s comment as an excuse to jump straight in to a Palin bashing column-nothing out of the extraordinary there.
The derangement Palin haters did their thing of course but the surprise was the reaction from the “progressive” left. The reaction from the left was not the expected “Palin is an idiot’ etc. but rather an explosion of hate towards Cheney.
Frankly, Palin is much more of a threat to the left than Cheney, neither of course are running for office, as she is influencing election campaigns and shifting, through her support base in the Tea party, the shape of the Senate into significantly conservative territory as one after another of her endorse candidates wins their primaries.
But such is the bitter hatred the left bears for Cheney that Palin is disregarded given this opportunity to recreate and blast all of Cheney’s perceived sins. What has been missed in all this sound and fury is that Cheney’s anti-Palin comment is just another aspect of the forthcoming battle to the death between the establishment and the Tea Party for the 2016 nomination should Romney lose.
The Bush family want Jeb to be the nominee of course which explains Barbara Bush’s snide comment that Palin should “stay in Alaska” it also explains Karl Rove’s Palin bashing.
Palin, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie have all indicated they are open to running in 2016 (which says a lot about their perception of Romney’s current chances) as has Rick Perry.
If these four run then there would be an almighty battle between Bush and Christie for the establishment support/vote and Palin/Perry for the rank and file/Tea party vote. At this time Perry looks very much damaged goods and there is even speculation he might be primaried. If he was, and lost he would of course be out of the running for 2016 and Palin would have a clear field.
What we are seeing is initial skirmishing between the people backing the possible front runners for 2016, if Romney loses then from November 7th the all out battle will commence . It is worth bearing in mind the motivations of the anti-Palin establishment figures and their supporters in the media, when they, like Cheney and any one connected to the Bush family/administration, attack Palin. These factors will become much clearer after November
PDS Afflicted Mataconis Swoons Over Cheney/Palin. No Comment On Palin/Fischer Cruz Though
As would be expected leading Palin derangement Syndrome commentator Doug "I'll be out the back at the bar" Mataconis went in to paroxysms of pleasure at Dick Cheney's comments about Palin.
No mention from him of course regarding Liz Cheney's rebuttal and support of Palin and her denigration of Obama/Biden.
I wouldn't burden anyone with Mataconis's latest anti-Palin screed-he really does seem to have some sort of weird fixation, except for his closing, gloating remark;
The only people who still don’t seem able to acknowledge that are the increasingly shrinking core of Palinistas who bizarrely continue to believe she can do no wrong.
How Mataconis can determine the level of Palin' support is a mystery which he doesn't address. Certainly it is not from Palin's Facebook followers number which is increasing continuously, and is at 3.5 million-five times Romney's BTW.
Nor could it be from examining the result of Palin's recent endorsements, which have resulted in six in a row candidates being elected subsequent to her support, including Fischer and Mourdock who came from way behind.
If Cruz wins, who gives much of the credit to Palin for his success at the moment, that will be a miracle result due significantly to Palin's intervention.
But hey, this is logic, and there is little use in bringing it to bear where illogical thinking reigns in Mataconis land. Perhaps we will hear from Mataconis after Cruz wins-but perhaps not.
No mention from him of course regarding Liz Cheney's rebuttal and support of Palin and her denigration of Obama/Biden.
I wouldn't burden anyone with Mataconis's latest anti-Palin screed-he really does seem to have some sort of weird fixation, except for his closing, gloating remark;
The only people who still don’t seem able to acknowledge that are the increasingly shrinking core of Palinistas who bizarrely continue to believe she can do no wrong.
How Mataconis can determine the level of Palin' support is a mystery which he doesn't address. Certainly it is not from Palin's Facebook followers number which is increasing continuously, and is at 3.5 million-five times Romney's BTW.
Nor could it be from examining the result of Palin's recent endorsements, which have resulted in six in a row candidates being elected subsequent to her support, including Fischer and Mourdock who came from way behind.
If Cruz wins, who gives much of the credit to Palin for his success at the moment, that will be a miracle result due significantly to Palin's intervention.
But hey, this is logic, and there is little use in bringing it to bear where illogical thinking reigns in Mataconis land. Perhaps we will hear from Mataconis after Cruz wins-but perhaps not.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Politico's Haberman Concedes "Palin Still Has A Following" Ted Cruz Would Agree
Here is the ludicrously Palin Derangement Syndrome afflicted Maggie Haberman at leftist site Politico;
"Palin is nowhere near the relevant force she was even two years ago, but she still has a following."
For the life of me I can't understand why Politico has any following. It is supposed to be a site that covers the political scene but is so leftist biased that it really is just a mouthpiece for the administration. The site was notorious for having "Journalistas" a left wing-cabal of commentators who were totally in the tank for then candidate Obama.
Haberman concedes that "Palin has some influence' which is of course an idiotic, biased understatement if there ever was one.
Her last six endorsed candidates have won, or finished in a run-off Mourdoch/Cruz/Fischer being examples of senate candidates who came from behind, in Cruz's case from way behind, and won after Palin endorsed them. In Cruz's case, and it looks like he will win the run-off. he readily admits that it was palin's influence that made his campaign viable.
There is no way for Haberman or any leftist to spin it otherwise. They tried the "Palin only endorses when it looks like her chosen candidate is going to win" meme but in Cruz and Fischer's case that is, to quote Santorum "bullshit".
Cheney's Daughter Disagrees With Him Re:Palin As Do Dem's.Only Beltway/Haters Agree.
Rarely do I disagree with best VP ever but @SarahPalinUSA more qualified than Obama and Biden combined. Huge respect 4 all she's done 4 GOP.
With the left bashing Dick Cheney for his Palin comment and now his own Daughter disagreeing the former VP's anti-Palin remark seems to have found disfavour across the entire political spectrum. Except of course for the mad haters and the beltway insiders and outsiders who hopeless in their mindless, or calculating (more to come on that) antipathy.
Here's the leftist view;
Here's Dick Cheney weighing in on Sarah Palin having been chosen as VP candidate for McCain in 2008.
Cheney would not comment on what he told Romney and Myers, but he was harsh in his assessment of McCain’s decision to pick Palin.
“That one,” Cheney said, “I don’t think was well handled.”
“The test to get on that small list has to be, ‘Is this person capable of being president of the United States?’”
Cheney believes Sarah Palin failed that test.
“I like Governor Palin. I’ve met her. I know her. She – attractive candidate. But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don’t think she passed that test…of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake.”
"Hot Air" which has a record of Palin bashing concludes that "the left will be passing the popcorn" because Cheney and Palin are both "beloved by the conservative base." That might usually have been the case if any other figure rather than Cheney had made the statement he did, but in Cheney's case the "progressive" left's abiding hatred of him is so deep and strong that even their hatred for Palin pales into insignificance.
For example, the far left "progressive" site "Crooks & Liars" runs with the Cheney/Palin comment without too much editorializing, but the readers comments are a vast diatribe of hate towards Cheney with Palin hardly mentioned.
Normally Palin would have been the subject of scorn, ridicule, scoffing and hatred but the unbounded venom against Cheney gives her a pass.
Here are just some of the C&L comments to give a taste of the reaction. Gawker, which is in reality a satire/entertainment site, but very left,ran the story and the comments were also anti-Cheney but with a less venomous tone.
But we can be assured that if Palin ever runs for office, especially the presidency she will take her well earned place as the instigator of froth and gibber leftist madness. The entire post and comments is AT THIS LINK
Above the Clouds — 7/29/12 10:53am
. . . after "a few beers" shot his friend in the face with a shotgun then later sent the wife of the friend out to lie about it. An honorable man that Cheney. And a ghoul.
Tax the Rich — 7/29/12 10:13am
It was a bigger mistake to pick you.
Oh wait, you picked yourself.
You are without a doubt, the most evil psychotic Vice President we ever had, and that includes Aaron Burr, the murderer.
Oh wait, you picked yourself.
You are without a doubt, the most evil psychotic Vice President we ever had, and that includes Aaron Burr, the murderer.
If I were a psychopath, I would join the republican party, and get in on the gravy train taking the Teabircher morons to the cleaners.
Settled; Left Hates Cheney More Than Palin
Here's Dick Cheney weighing in on Sarah Palin having been chosen as VP candidate for McCain in 2008.
For example, the far left "progressive" site "Crooks & Liars" runs with the Cheney/Palin comment without too much editorializing, but the readers comments are a vast diatribe of hate towards Cheney with Palin hardly mentioned.
Normally Palin would have been the subject of scorn, ridicule, scoffing and hatred but the unbounded venom against Cheney gives her a pass.
Here are just some of the C&L comments to give a taste of the reaction. Gawker, which is in reality a satire/entertainment site, but very left,ran the story and the comments were also anti-Cheney but with a less venomous tone.
But we can be assured that if Palin ever runs for office, especially the presidency she will take her well earned place as the instigator of froth and gibber leftist madness. The entire post and comments is AT THIS LINK
Cornel West: "Mitt Romney is a catastrophic response to a catastrophe, whereas Obama is a disastrous response to a catastrophe. Is disaster better than catastrophe? Yes it is. I wish we had a third candidate who could actually do something, but we don't."
If I were a psychopath, I would join the republican party, and get in on the gravy train taking the Teabircher morons to the cleaners.
Cheney would not comment on what he told Romney and Myers, but he was harsh in his assessment of McCain’s decision to pick Palin.
“That one,” Cheney said, “I don’t think was well handled.”
“The test to get on that small list has to be, ‘Is this person capable of being president of the United States?’”
Cheney believes Sarah Palin failed that test.
“I like Governor Palin. I’ve met her. I know her. She – attractive candidate. But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don’t think she passed that test…of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake.”
Air" which has a record of Palin bashing concludes that "the
left will be passing the popcorn" because Cheney and Palin are
both "beloved by
the conservative base." That might usually have been the case if any
other figure rather than Cheney had made the statement he
did, but in Cheney's case the "progressive"
left's abiding hatred
of him is so deep and strong that even their hatred for Palin pales
into insignificance.
For example, the far left "progressive" site "Crooks & Liars" runs with the Cheney/Palin comment without too much editorializing, but the readers comments are a vast diatribe of hate towards Cheney with Palin hardly mentioned.
Normally Palin would have been the subject of scorn, ridicule, scoffing and hatred but the unbounded venom against Cheney gives her a pass.
Here are just some of the C&L comments to give a taste of the reaction. Gawker, which is in reality a satire/entertainment site, but very left,ran the story and the comments were also anti-Cheney but with a less venomous tone.
But we can be assured that if Palin ever runs for office, especially the presidency she will take her well earned place as the instigator of froth and gibber leftist madness. The entire post and comments is AT THIS LINK
MountainMan23 — 7/29/12 10:07am
Cornel West: "Mitt Romney is a catastrophic response to a catastrophe, whereas Obama is a disastrous response to a catastrophe. Is disaster better than catastrophe? Yes it is. I wish we had a third candidate who could actually do something, but we don't."
Above the Clouds — 7/29/12 10:53am
. . . after "a few beers" shot his friend in the face with a shotgun then later sent the wife of the friend out to lie about it. An honorable man that Cheney. And a ghoul.
Tax the Rich — 7/29/12 10:13am
It was a bigger mistake to pick you.
Oh wait, you picked yourself.
You are without a doubt, the most evil psychotic Vice President we ever had, and that includes Aaron Burr, the murderer.
Oh wait, you picked yourself.
You are without a doubt, the most evil psychotic Vice President we ever had, and that includes Aaron Burr, the murderer.
If I were a psychopath, I would join the republican party, and get in on the gravy train taking the Teabircher morons to the cleaners.
Palin Hits 53% Poll Approval Rating Bests Obama/Romney;Media Still Quoting Year Old Polls
The Palin hit site Hot Air is happy to get thousands of page views by using Palin's name in their negative articles about her. They are also happy to use sloppy journalism in this pursuit by quoting polls showing Palin at a very low approval rating dating back to October 2011.
Sharpton did so on MSNBC but that is understandable, Doug Schoen on
Fox said "her negatives are about 60% without any poll
PPP and Election Meter.Com results, not suiting their purpose, are
On the heels of major polling firm PPP Polling finding that Sarah Palin is more popular, by far, than any of the declared GOP candidates in the recent primary campaign, with a 68% approval rating
AT THIS LINK and a net positive rating of +48, now a poll (Graphs at bottom of this page) at Election Meter.com
has her approval also at a significant level.
The new 5,000+ vote EM Poll AT THIS LINK gives Palin a 53.0% approval rating. This is her fourth rating above 50% in this poll since early 2009 and shows the long struggle against media distortion she has had to undertake, so the slow and steady rise continues.
Undertake the long struggle she has done indeed, and her tenacity seems to finally be paying, off as voters now are seeing her in a substantially positive light again.
It seems no coincidence that Palin has moved into such positive territory in three polls following the leftist hatchet job, (and box office flop) "Game Change".
The attacks from that disaster seem to have been the last straw with the public. This especially so amongst Republicans, who can now clearly see that so much of the media generated negativity around Palin over the last four years has been a massive wall of hate and bias and unrelated to the positive characteristics of the real Palin.
Further recent factors in Palin's rise in popularity (Romney polled at a near disastrous 41% in the latest Fox News poll July 17th) ) could be:
Her six in a row winning endorsements for high profile campaigns e.g. Mourdoch and Fischer's come from behind Senate primary wins, and Ted Cruz's remarkable rise in Texas-all with Palin's support. The perceived unfairness to Palin by the Romney team in hiring someone who has spoken negatively about to run his campaign, and of course their stonewalling Palin being invited to Tampa
Yes certainly, the Election Meter poll is an on line poll and can be discounted to a degree because of that. However, when Palin was at her absolute nadir in this poll in 2010 at 19.2% her enemies would have seized on it as being representative of a general feeling.
There is some degree of validity to that view, although it is distorted and extreme, but on the other hand the steady, seemingly inexorable rise since then must also reflect a wider reality-which will of course be ignored by her enemies.
Here are the longer term graphs which, because of the time frame involved, must be valid in the wider context they support. Surely the absolute polling height of 72% in 2008 was a genuine reflection of reality at that time.
the leftist media negativity bore little resemblance to reality has
also been shown, firstly in the utter blind hatred they attack her
with AT
of course, on the other hand the huge power Palin has recently shown
in having her endorsed candidates do so well against all the odds.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
PPP Poll Has Palin Endorsed Cruz Ahead In Early Voting & Ahead Overall
Sarah Palin has put a lot on the line in backing Ted Cruz in the Texas primary as Cruz was almost unknown and started at 3%. She went to Texas and campaigned for him which is something she has not done for any candidate for a long time.
We will see the power of Palin on the 31st if Cruz wins as it will be here seventh victory in a row from her endorsed candidates
Here is PPP's latest results.For the history of Cruz's astonishing rise see THIS LINK
We will see the power of Palin on the 31st if Cruz wins as it will be here seventh victory in a row from her endorsed candidates
Here is PPP's latest results.For the history of Cruz's astonishing rise see THIS LINK
"The Other McCain" Site Does A Palin Chick-fill-A Takeaway
Here is "Smitty" from the leading conservative site The Other McCain with his take on Sarah and Todd Palin's support of the embattled (by the leftist "champions of free speech") Chick-Fill-A chain.
#YouDidntBuildThat But You Still Went There (Sarah Palin Edition)
Posted on | July 28, 2012 | 2 Comments and 7 Reactions
by Smitty
Not exactly a ‘build’ per se, but Sarah Palin has certainly built an enviable reputation as a traditional American. God bless the lady and her family.
Hopefully we overcome the raaaaacism and misogyny of the Left and put this lady on a ballot someday.
via Twitchy
Update: OK, Daily Pundit: everybody Left of me. 
In Self-Flagellation "Wonkette" Readers Put My Expose Of Sites Commie Influence At #1
In an act of either self-flagellation,guilt or, most probably self-loathing, the rabid leftist at Wonkette have made my expose of their editors "red diaper baby' roots the hottest of hot topics on their "Wonkville" site.
This is all to the good of course, as if even one misguided person reads my post and turns their life around by starting on the path of rationality and maturity, then it will have been worth having done such a massive amount of research.
I won't comment on the, as expected, juvenile comments at the site except to advise one person that yes, you can stand on a pinnacle as did e.g. Sir Edmund Hillary at Everest and yes it is Herculean "feat" not feet or fete.
Here below is the original report:
Unlike the self described "Commie Mom" with her antagonism to what she describes (below) as "bone-grinding capitalism" I have actually been to Communist China, this year, and have seen, as per this picture, the result of "care" for people under the Communist "cultural revolution."
I used to, and for the main part still do, consider "Reds under the beds" folk as being in the same orbit as the "Trig is not Palin's son" and the "9/11 was a government conspiracy" monomaniacal people. However, whilst the latter two are mad concepts, recent events have given pause for thought as regards Communist influence in the media and government.
No there is not a massive conspiracy of communists waiting to overthrow the American way of life but yes, there are people of influence who are what is termed "red diaper babies". That is, they were exposed in their formative years to Communist thinking by a close relative or associate, and that exposure is reflected in the far left or statist viewpoints they express. The danger is that because of their positions of influence this ultra-leftist viewpoint, watered down as it may be, distorts the thinking of immature minds who are exposed to the media or government outlets these people inhabit.
We are considering people who are not minor figures but who, in some cases, have significant input into government and a mass media following. This reality is important when one considers the historic influence of e.g. the British Communist Party which, although small in numbers, caused massive economic dislocation in Britain in the 1960's through its control of major trades unions. The Communist led unions caused massive disruption to British exports through a disastrous dock strike, and the British motor industry was similarly crippled by the actions of Communist shop stewards.
Thus if "red diaper babies' are in positions of influence and power, it would be a mistake not to examine their history and actions, and to consider the influence they have today in America.It is also important to look at this dispassionately and factually to avoid being tarred with a scaremonger, or conspiracy minded label, which would distract from the reality of the situation.
The redoubtable professional journalist Robert Stacy McCain did a devastating analysis of the Communist family history of presidential confidant Axelrod
AT THIS LINK. The very definition of a red diaper baby.
Obama administration special advisor Van Jones had to resign because of a double whammy of conspiratorial past history-a 9/11 Truther-and membership of an organization "with Marxist ties." Here is an excerpt from The Washington Post report:
"Jones, who joined the administration in March as special adviser for green jobs at the CEQ, had issued two public apologies in recent days, one for signing a petition in 2004 from the group 911Truth.org that questioned whether Bush administration officials "may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war" and the other for using a crude term to describe Republicans in a speech he gave before joining the administration.
His one-time involvement with the Bay Area radical group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), which had Marxist roots, had also become an issue. And on Saturday his advocacy on behalf of death-row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of shooting a Philadelphia police officer in 1981, threatened to develop into a fresh point of controversy."
The highly respected British newspaper The Daily Telegraph ran an article (excerpt below from link at left) on what they saw as possible Communist influence on the young Barack Obama. Obama later joined, according to THIS REPORT the far left socialist "New Party" in Illinois:
"Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama"
New details about a black poet in Hawaii who was a key early influence in Barack Obama’s life can be revealed by The Telegraph.
Barack Obama visited Mr Davis on several occasions to get his advice when he was grappling with racial issues
"Although identified only as Frank in Mr Obama’s memoir Dreams from My Father, it has now been established that he was Frank Marshall Davis, a radical activist and journalist who had been suspected of being a member of the Communist Party in the 1950s."
Here is another report;
Frank Marshall Davis
Communist writer and poet (1905-1987)
Mentor to a young Barack Obama in the 1970s
Dedicated supporter of the Soviet Union and enemy of America
In the very early 1970s Davis met a young Barack Obama, whose mother had sent
the boy to live with his grandparents in Hawaii. Obama's grandfather, Stanley
Armour Dunham, arranged
for Davis to become the boy's mentor and advisor.
From approximately 1971-79,
Davis had considerable
influence on the young Obama, particularly during the last four of those
(Notably, Davis once sat on a union-publicity committee with Chicago
Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett,
the latter of whom
would later become a close confidante and advisor to President Barack
Obama).In the early Seventies, Davis sold marijuana and cocaine from a
hot-dog cart which he operated near his home in Waikiki.
Communist writer and poet (1905-1987)
Mentor to a young Barack Obama in the 1970s
Dedicated supporter of the Soviet Union and enemy of America
In the very early 1970s Davis met a young Barack Obama, whose mother had sent
the boy to live with his grandparents in Hawaii. Obama's grandfather, Stanley
Armour Dunham, arranged
for Davis to become the boy's mentor and advisor.
From approximately 1971-79,
Davis had considerable
influence on the young Obama, particularly during the last four of those
(Notably, Davis once sat on a union-publicity committee with Chicago
Sun-Times reporter Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett,
the latter of whom
would later become a close confidante and advisor to President Barack
Obama).In the early Seventies, Davis sold marijuana and cocaine from a
hot-dog cart which he operated near his home in Waikiki.
In the media, or rather the blogosphere one of the most influential and widely read leftist sites is "Wonkette". Recently a new editor, Rebecca Schoenkopf took over the running of this radical site and a new, even further left tone followed shortly. Wonkette, to give an idea of the "standards" it runs by, made itself notorious under its previous editor for its disastrous article attacking Sarah Palin's challenged son Trig whom it called a "retard". there was a massive outcry from decent people from all
walks of life and for a time the site lost nearly all its sponsors.
Schoenkopf managed the difficult feat of standing at the very pinnacle of
"The Poles believe this is a terrible slur against Poland.
Your Wonkette thinks it takes considerable chutzpah and/or balls to be more offended that Treblinka was
called “Polish” than that it existed. Your Editrix, as a Polish-Russian Jew, thinks Poland can go fuck itself."
Presumably "Poland" would include the Polish airmen who fought the Nazi's as courageous
RAF pilots, to whom there is a monument on The Embankment in London. Nobel Prize winner Lech Walesa, and the Polish people who endured decades of Communist repression and who died in two revolts against Communist tyranny.Not forgetting of course the tens of thousands of the elite of the country who were massacred, by the Communists at Katyn.The estimated 3,000,00 Poles who saved 450,000 Jews from the Nazi Death camps are presumably also included in Schoenkopf's exhortation.
From where might this frame of mind come? Is Schoenkopf another "Red diaper baby'? Here is an excerpt (emphasis mine) from a blog called "Commie Mom"
"have settled on telling you a little bit about how we, Rebecca and I, came to be Commie Girl and Commie Mom.
So. How did all that Commie business start, you ask?
It began when Commie Girl was in high school. By then I had dragged all my children, from early childhood on, to innumerable marches like the United Farm Workers’ marches for workers’ rights with Cesar Chavez himself leading us, demonstrations against war and for peace in places like Nevada, political meetings of the anti-nuke variety which led us to people like Edward Markey, (do NOT say, “Who?”) Democratic candidacies of folks like Jerry Brown and Phil Angelides (don’t you dare say “Who?”), knocking on doors and standing on street corners, and all manner of what-have-yous, all in the Lefty vein. (Actually I didn’t drag my children. They went happily. Mostly. Because Lefty stuff is FUN!!)
So, because I was a big Lefty and all, involved in anti-nukes, anti-war, Mother Earth, the United Farm Workers and all labor unions including my own United Teachers of Los Angeles, and every election that came down the pike, Becca’s friends began to call me Commie Mom. Back then, the rightwingers of the Reagan era called everyone who was left of center a commie. Or a commie pinko.
Well, it turned out I actually WAS a commie. In the communicating, communion, community, communal, commonweal, common folks, “workers should own the means of production” sense of the word. I have always thought Karl Marx was right about corporations and capitalism and all its bone-grinding horror.
And here is Schoenkopf's Twitter picture-the very image of a hard boiled "socialist" in the Rosa Luxemburg stamp
And a statement from her own autobiography at "Commie Girl Collective" AT THIS LINK where she makes this comment:
And a statement from her own autobiography at "Commie Girl Collective" AT THIS LINK where she makes this comment:
"Are you really a Communist? No. I am a socialist."
Well we will all just have to take her word for it won't we? What we do know is that Schoenkopf, as recently as July 19th, ran this article decrying what she terms as
"Reds under the beds' which is exactly the sort of Alinskyite response to anyone bringing attention to possible Communist influences-like my post, as I am sure will be the case.
Caroline Glick, writing in The Jerusalem Post issued a stern warning about the influence of radical Jewish socialists in America in her article "Defeating The Jewish Alinskyites." Unfortunately for Schoenkopf, both Glick and I are card carrying Jews so she will have to mount some other line of attack.
I posted an article, "Palin Is The Media Liberal Jew's Mistaken Golem And Primal Scream Therapy" on why the Jews are, in the main, leftists, and if they can be weaned from "tales learned at grandad's knee." Michael Walzer at the Jewish focussed magazine 'The Tablet" in his article "The End Of The Jewish Left" seems to think so, but I am not so sanguine. As long as people of influence like Schoenkopf et al pump out their radical leftism into calcified older minds, and underdeveloped young minds, the battle will be challenging.
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Cornel West: "Mitt Romney is a catastrophic response to a catastrophe, whereas Obama is a disastrous response to a catastrophe. Is disaster better than catastrophe? Yes it is. I wish we had a third candidate who could actually do something, but we don't."