Anonymous9:46 AM
G - You need to change your headline. The good doctor is running for the Senate,not Governor.
ReplyThe king of the Palin Derangement one "Gryphen" (exposed by Dan Riehl LINK as a weirdo) pretends to run some sort of a political comment site. It, "Immoral Minority" (no I won't link) really is just a place for the deranged to vent their madness about Sarah Palin. But the 'cover" of it having any resemblance to as genuine commentary site is blown over and over by the utter ignorance of political office in America by the sites editor.
In an "article" actually just a red meat hate piece against Palin, which discussed Palin posing with a candidate for Senator from South Dakota, even the sites "readers' ( I firmly think that given the obviously level of "intelligence" there the pages are read to the correspondents) take Gryphen to task for his lack of knowledge as per the capture above.
This is of course not the first time such utter ignorance is on display-here is "Gryphen" calling House Speaker Boehner "Senator". If Palin displayed such utter ignorance and sloppy "journalism" J.Griffin and his mad followers would indulge in their usual feeding frenzy;
UPDATE:They have changed "Senator" to "He". But, too late-the screen capture doesn't lie!
To show how stupid the Palin Derangement Syndrome and left -wing hate site "Immoral Minority"
is see if you can guess what is wrong with their latest headline (hint; it is to do with what office Speaker Boehner holds)
And these are the people who pounced on any little speech flub that Palin may have made, and who promoted the insane "Trig Truther, Sarah Palin is not the mother of Trig" fantasies.
As you sow so shall ye reap. Stacy McCain also exposed the person "Gryphen" for his sexual history background which was, as one would expect, from such a person running such a site as IM.
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