After a series of good natured banter type invective, surely seen as obviously good natured to anyone with some maturity and an understanding of the nuances of irony, Wonkette celebrated our on line dualism with this major article.
"Let’s All Be Friends With Sarah Palin’s Number One Fan ‘M. Joseph Sheppard,’ He Seems Nice"
The post received a massive number of responses-more about which later.
There is no need for me to go into the history of the "dialogue" between myself and the "Editrix" of Wonkette-one Rebecca Schoenkopf. Its all there, more or less, in the article (it pains me deeply to write her name so strong is the hurt, her who said this; "But then this made us love him all over again" )
After the call to bury the hatchet, to an amiable peace, for the commentators to go easy on me and, most of all, the statement of undying love (oh how it hurts to write that) I have been utterly scorned, nay dismissed.
Now, being of vast experience in the world, with some deep insight into the nature of commercial business success, I suggested that Wonkette follow the proven example of both Private Eye, the British satirical magazine, and The Daily Telegraph, the ultra-conservative newspaper and have a counter point person.
In the case of Private Eye it was Auberon Waugh who wrote a pseudo-snobbish ultra conservative occasional column which chided the foibles of the right, whilst pointing out the idiocies of the left. From the Olympian heights of age and erudition his column was accepted as a fixture and, to my mind, never criticized.
Similarly at the Telegraph, Peter Simple wrote from a pseudo-aristocratic point of view in the same satirical manner and was, again, an important part of the appeal of the otherwise dowdy journal.
I offered to contribute, as a trial and for no recompense, a column (not a reprint from my esteemed blog) based on the tried and true formula. Worse than having this, obviously brilliant concept rejected-I can understand someone not having a business brain, the communications received no response whatsoever except for this cryptic insert in a Wonkette science post
"we have secured the services of a special guest columnist! We are very lucky to have ace political blogger and mammary expert M. Joseph Sheppard purveying his special brand of enlightened opinion journalism for your reading pleasure."
Added to which shortly afterwards another Wonkette column appeared oddly complaining of my desertion and, rightly, claiming for me the worthy title of "Ace Political Blogger and Mammalian Protuberance Enthusiast M. Joseph Sheppard has canceled out on us,"
It is all most odd-to be recognized for the satirical genius I am, and possessor of deep political insight I obviously have on the one hand, whilst utterly scorning me on the other.
The leftist mind is something which escapes me in such matters, but is an indication why state largesse, which has no risk of failure or success, is more highly prized than entrepreneurship.
What an incredible left/right empire could have been built, what insights and truths could have been dispensed, what example of the lion lying down with the lamb could have been shown, and what new level of creative bi-partisanship might have been fostered-quien sabe?
I even changed my Professor Jacobson-ish staid Jewish-ish photo for a baseball cap Doug Mataconis-ish more hip look (not that Mataconis could be so described of course) in preparation for the transition.
To be used for page views and then discarded, when all one is guilty of is heaping ridicule and personal invective on someone, is heartbreaking and beyond my ken.
To have loved and been loved and lost is one thing, to have been.....I just can't go on and will say adieu more in sorrow than in hatred
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