Saturday, September 5, 2015

Fiorina's Poll After Poll Decline Despite Massive Media Hype

The Establishment, and especially Fox news and even more especially Megyn Kelly have pushed the heck out of Carly Fiorina as the 'anti-Trump. They blew up her supposed "triumph" in the "B-grade" debate against a weak field and of course pushed her being a woman as the only antidote to Hillary.

Fiorina got a slight bump, especially in one minor poll which was to be expected considering she was polling at 1% so with all the publicity there was some interest generated. But it is quickly heading south.

One reason must be that with the exposure her past, especially her tenure at HP came under scrutiny but more than that her unrelenting attacks on Trump/Palin and Cruz and her support of Hillary have come to light or have been made known to the base. There is a catalogue of horrors at this

"13 Essential Things Conservatives Should Know About Carly Fiorina"

Since her brief jump in the polls the trajectory has been downward or stuck around the 5% level. Some moves have been relatively small (some very large in proportion) but whatever the move it is downwards. I await the next polls from South Carolina, Georgia (5%), and New Hampshire to give the fullest picture. But what there is from other states and nationwide, as per below, is very clear in its direction.

Florida 7%  to  5%

Nationwide polling   8% to 4%

Iowa Polling   10% to 5%

Strategy Research Poll Alabama August 13th  8%

Gravis Poll Alabama August 29th 2.3%