Wednesday, June 17, 2015

If He's (Trump) Good Enough For Sarah Palin He's Good Enough For Me

Actually it didn't take Governor Palin's welcome (NB; not a formal endorsement) to candidate Trump, nor Trump's gracious response, for me to strongly consider voting for Trump. That was just icing on the cake, as was a hardly surprising Palin/Trump back and forth given their meetings in New York and at the SNL celebration.

I set out that I welcomed Trump's run as I felt that he voiced legitimate concerns, especially on foreign affairs (security/trade/China/ISIS) and in particular how unfair foreign competition adversely impacts the American worker and as a corollary how illegal immigration also affects American jobs.  

I know of no current GOP candidate who has raised all these concerns with such forthrightness, whether the political class agrees with his presentation or not is utterly of no matter whatsoever. 

In fact the very shrieking from the likes of Dana Perino and Charles Krauthammer, much less the leftist media, is a clear signal of exactly how right Trump's positions are.

on the issues (Fox Video) I see nothing to object to and much to praise

My overview is at ;

Sound The Trumpets For A "Trump 2016" Presidential Run

And a public notice of those journalists who got Trump wrong due to an innate prejudice and, most likely, sense of superiority.

Crow Eating For"Trump Won't Run"Michael Scherer/Matt Bai/Kyle Smith/Teagan Goddard

Here is Governor Palin's welcome (via C4P) to Donald Trump and his courteous reply:

Governor Palin: ‘Trump Should Know He’s Doing Something Right’ Updated: Trump Responds

Via Facebook:
@realDonaldTrump – Mr. Trump should know he’s doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press! There is no denying Donald J. Trump’s accomplishments and drive to create opportunity for every willing American to succeed. His own success is testament to the job-creating achievements made possible when one applies the courageous and tenacious pro-private sector precepts we need to fire up the economy.

Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements. This, in contrast with the pro-big government party’s practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate.
Key to conservative’s victory is to do our own vetting of each candidate, focus on their ability to unleash America’s entrepreneurial spirit and dramatically shrink government in order to prioritize our nation’s security. That means we ignore the media’s participation in the liberals’ Pantsuit Politics of Personal Destruction. THEN, on an even playing field, in 2016 we charge forward after the radical left hears America shout, "You’re fired!"
– Sarah Palin
Trump 1
Donald Trump took to Twitter moments after Governor Palin’s post to respond: