Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Brevities #8 Cotto 'News and Culture Report'/ Your Xmas-End of Year Circular Done For You/ Parler Viciously Attacked


Joseph Cotto, co-host of 'Cotto/Gottfried' 


Has a 'News and Culture Report' up and running-HERE  and an article example is  HERE.

Interesting, discursive, catholic (lower "c") thought provoking. Commended. 

Over the past decade I have received countless end of year updates from friends/family/acquaintances. Thankfully these circulars are on the wane (Posted Christmas cards have near vanished even from  "Your friendly local butcher wishes you a joyous Christmas.") 

I think this is because many have found that nobody reads them beyond the first paragraph-especially as they near all run to type.

For those who still wish to send them even knowing that, I present a simplified format to cut and paste that covers near all that such circulars present. In sum, you can add in the usual stock Xmas bells and holly imagery at top and bottom. You're welcome!

" Dear friends and family, our family wishes you every joy and happiness for the Festive Season and New year ahead !!!

Our children have had a massively successful year (name) received all 'A's in (High school/University) (name) received a whole page of gold stars in kindergarten. (Name) was chosen for the top (type) team and was a high achiever.

Our family has been blessed with (number) new kids/grandkids all happy and healthy.

We had the most wonderful vacation in (place) where the weather was perfect the whole time and the scenery/food/staff was just the very best.

(Name) Was promoted at work to associate senior vice-president.

We hope you too are similarly blessed in 2021!!

On Google I can't find a direct link to Parler. What I can find is continuous hate propaganda against it like this link to Wikipedia.

Parler (/pɑːrlər/PAR-ler) is an American microblogging and social networking service launched in August 2018. Parler has a significant user base of Donald Trump supportersconservativesconspiracy theorists, and right-wing extremists.[5][6][7][8] Posts on the service often contain far-right content,[13] antisemitism,[20] and conspiracy theories like QAnon.[24] Journalists have described Parler as an alternative to Twitter, and the service is popular among people who have been banned from mainstream social networks or oppose their moderation policies.

Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Those with such skills may wish to add in some alternative facts including how Twitter censors anything against Dems and allows commending of Antifa tweets.

The attacks are endless e.g. 

Toxic talk: Agents’ use of social media app Parler stirs concerns

“To know their broker is advertising on a site that has extremists may call into question their judgment”

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