he gives insight to the current state of the polls and is objective in his analysis which gives him credibility.
I will make my own prediction and see a future for him much like Silver's, one of interest from the public then of ascent into the mass media. As an example underpinning this belief here is gives insight into why Romney is, all of a sudden, behind President Obama in the Rasmussen poll.
This is of particular interest as Rasmussen nearly always polls Republicans higher than Dem's except just before an election when it starts to be in line with the other major polls. The reason for that phenomenon I will leave to readers intelligence. Thus for Obama to have a lead in Rasmussen this far out from the election, and so close to the convention means that there may be a major shift in opinion on the right.
What might have caused this shift is the subject of the following analysis by technopeasant. What the Romney team should do about it is,from my point of view and especially as regards Palin, pretty obvious.