It's Come To This Normal Women Apologize For Being...Women
Mary Katharine Ham has an article up at 'The Federalist'
"Mindy Lahari and The Dumb Loves of Real, Smart Women."
It is all so terribly, terribly sad. Conservatives are so cowed by the power of the media, leftist blogs, "feminists" and especially Hollywood/TV that what was celebrated, unapologetically, as normal in society has to be, apologetically, justified.
After a brief review of the background and characters to and in "The Mindy Project" with the compulsory angst displayed:
Maybe I won’t get married you know? Maybe I’ll do one of those ‘Eat Pray Love’ things. Ugh, forget it, I don’t want to pray. I’ll just die alone.”
"That’s Mindy Lahiri, titular character of “The Mindy Project” in the show’s pilot" Ham goes into a deep analysis what drives the main character e.g.
"Mindy Lahiri Embodies Female Complexities
One, because she’s funny, but also because she represents a kind of woman I know in real life but don’t often see on television.
Mindy graduated medical school and obsesses over the intricacies of Drake’s feud with Tyga.
Mindy graduated medical school and obsesses over the intricacies of Drake’s feud with Tyga.
She is a partner at a Manhattan obstetrics practice and watches “Maid in Manhattan” when it pops up on basic cable. She wants to start her own fertility clinic, and she’d definitely live-tweet “The Bachelorette” with you over cheese fries. She is, without a doubt, a strong, independent career woman.
She also unabashedly longs for a husband and a family and is not shy about pursuing them. A stylish make-up artist and small business owner, she explained that she needed to leave shortly after finishing my make-up for a TV appearance. “I’m ashamed to say why I’m running home.”“You’re going to watch ‘The Bachelorette,’ aren’t you?”“Yes!” she said, visibly relieved by my lack of judgment.
This Monday-night appointment viewing is so common among my professional woman friends, I was unsurprised by my correct guess even if she was.“[It] draw[s] me in and I’m not ashamed of that.
It’s a way of turning off my brain. If there were one thing I’d wish for myself and my fellow professional friends, it’d be a little bit more of Mindy’s certainty that her embrace of the campy, the romantic, even the traditional, are not a betrayal of her liberation but a complement to it."
Why should a woman "unabashedly" long for a husband no matter what her accomplishments or station in life? Is not wanting a husband, having children so natural and normal on an evolutionary, society enhancing (and surviving) "norm" that it should not need any justification whatsoever on the part of the overwhelming number of people who have such a desire?
Why on earth should an individual, no matter at what intellectual and career level have to justify, or worse, feel guilty (“I’m ashamed ") about their choices in entertainment?
As Ham describes, men can be kings of the universe yet watch endless hours of sport without anyone batting an eye. Why then should women hold themselves to a different, apologetic standard.
Cleary one of the major victims of the radical feminist brigade are actually the "strong, independent career" women" who are supposed to epitomize the aims of the radical feminists themselves. It is beyond irony.
Vermont Senator Sanders launched his presidential campaign. I'm not going to decry it, or call it quixotic or doomed etc etc.
He has a point of view and good luck to him in his campaign to express what I don't doubt are sincerely felt considerations and emotions. Not everyone on the right or liberal left has all the answers and history has shown that what were considered extreme positions have often entered the mainstream.
What his campaign launched has exposed however is the utter hypocrisy of the "progressive' left. they are falling all over themselves in ecstasy as "Bernie Sanders" is in the top "trending" on Twitter.
If Palin had announced they would be foaming at the mouth , raging about her ideas and ideals and calling her every name under the sun whilst dismissing her campaign as 'quixotic, hopeless, a waste of time, an addition to the clown car and etc.
The only space available for radical ideas is, clearly, on the far left where tolerance is limited to their echo chamber. "Progressives' are a blot on the intellectual landscape in a far country where ignorance and intolerance are the ruling forces.
"Solemn tributes for Kerrie Orozco at services, on streets "
"Who" Do you ask? An unanswered question as far as the media, radical left, Obama administration Al Sharpton etc are concerned.
Officer Orozco, a young mother who had just had another child was gunned down in the course of her duty. No outrage, riots, Obama administration comments ensued.
Here are the elective/government mourners at the funeral-there are significant omissions;
Among those attending the funeral were Gov. Pete Ricketts and his wife, Susanne Shore; Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad; U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse; U.S. Rep. Brad Ashford; Mayor Jean Stothert; Police Chief Todd Schmaderer; members of the Omaha City Council; and Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson.
"A saddened, solemn community folded Officer Kerrie Orozco into its embrace Tuesday before letting her go.
Hundreds of family members, friends and colleagues in blue attended Orozco’s funeral at St. John’s Catholic Church at Creighton University.
And Orozco’s fellow citizens lined her funeral procession route from downtown Omaha to her final resting spot in Council Bluffs to show respect for her service."
R.I.P Officers Orozco,Tate,Deen

R.I.P Officers Orozco,Tate,Deen

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