He could have also mentioned the following for during his gross interference in American domestic policies and mentioned the Israeli wall and the strongly Christian Hungarian counry's wall against Muslim refugees;
and The Lord himself apparently
JEFF SESSIONS: Lord Commanded Nehemiah to build wall...
http://ln.is/blogs.rollcall.co... …
On the other hand the Pope's words are an assist for Jeb Bush's "no wall it isn't conservative, open access communities" position.
Republican Presidential Candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush told a group at a Florida rally about his Texas border trip and explained why a border wall wouldn’t be practical or conservative. Bush returned to the friendly turf of the Sunshine State on Wednesday, with a town hall style meeting in Pensacola.
In their own words;
"Cruz aides counter that their candidate broached idea of a border fence long before Trump http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/ted-cruz-donald-trump-border-wall-mexico-217372#ixzz40Y1Q3hSt …"
"Rubio: We Must Secure Our Border With a Wall" http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/craig-millward/rubio-we-must-secure-our-border-wall …
"John Kasich;In a nutshell I would build a wall" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-JhZ9ZgZVE …
Hillary Clinton voted to build the wall
"Dr.Ben Carson wants to build a wall and have border drone strikes" http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2015/08/21/dr-ben-carson-current-border-fence-certainly-wouldnt-keep-me-out/ …
Gov. Scott Walker Building a wall with Canada is a legitimate issue." http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/31/border-walls-canada-mexico-republicans-walker-trump …
And further afield (plus the Vatican wall of course)

Strongly Catholic Hungary builds massive wall against Muslim migrants--Pope silent http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3238047/Flying-Great-Wall-Europe-Amazing-drone-footage-captures-tear-gas-tanks-tents-sheer-scale-Hungarian-border-fence-keeping-desperate-migrants-out.html …

Good thing for Netanyahu and the Israeli's they're not Catholic & don't 'have to worry about the Pope's wall demand

My Blog "M.Joseph Sheppard's A Point Of View"
is a conservative orientated site which, along with my Palin specific site, has had over 1,250,000 views. It is a growing force for Trump/Palin and general news analysis and original articles. I have been writing since 2008 and have built up a substantial following including over 1,600 (genuine) Twitter followers who readily interact.
Bio; "Center-right,slightly libertarian,recovered liberal, Author.'American Thinker' Writer 'Newsmax: One of 5 LeadingPundits"
https://twitter.com/ MJosephSheppard.
I have been published at American Thinker, American Journal and numerous conservative sites such as Conservative Treehouse and Bob Belvedere's "The Camp of the Saints." I am linked at Robert Stacy McCain's site "The Other McCain"and "Legal Insurrection." There is a wealth of past articles from me which a Google search will provide.
The media, and especially the blogosphere, is dominated by "progressive" leftist sites and there is a pressing need for strong, rational and in-depth conservative writing to counter this.
is a conservative orientated site which, along with my Palin specific site, has had over 1,250,000 views. It is a growing force for Trump/Palin and general news analysis and original articles. I have been writing since 2008 and have built up a substantial following including over 1,600 (genuine) Twitter followers who readily interact.
Bio; "Center-right,slightly libertarian,recovered liberal, Author.'American Thinker' Writer 'Newsmax: One of 5 LeadingPundits"
I have been published at American Thinker, American Journal and numerous conservative sites such as Conservative Treehouse and Bob Belvedere's "The Camp of the Saints." I am linked at Robert Stacy McCain's site "The Other McCain"and "Legal Insurrection." There is a wealth of past articles from me which a Google search will provide.
The media, and especially the blogosphere, is dominated by "progressive" leftist sites and there is a pressing need for strong, rational and in-depth conservative writing to counter this.
With perhaps the most important election in decades coming up I would like to add my voice to this need. But it needs to have a professional presentation to effectively counter the sites backed by big corporates and donors like Soros.
I wish to have my site professionally made over (to become a web site) and estimate it would take $5000 (any support small or large would assist) to promote it and make it competitive with the likes of Salon/Daily Beast etc. Please review my writings and Tweets and if it meets your standards your assistance would be appreciated.
If this is successful I will dedicate myself to tirelessly support the populist, pro-life,Christian values. conservative cause as exemplified by Donald Trump, Governor Palin and the basic thrust of the Tea Party.
Since we are at a crucial stage of the election period I would wish to commence this site transition within a month. If you would wish to support the concept of a hard hitting site that stands up for your values here is the support link.
I wish to have my site professionally made over (to become a web site) and estimate it would take $5000 (any support small or large would assist) to promote it and make it competitive with the likes of Salon/Daily Beast etc. Please review my writings and Tweets and if it meets your standards your assistance would be appreciated.
If this is successful I will dedicate myself to tirelessly support the populist, pro-life,Christian values. conservative cause as exemplified by Donald Trump, Governor Palin and the basic thrust of the Tea Party.
Since we are at a crucial stage of the election period I would wish to commence this site transition within a month. If you would wish to support the concept of a hard hitting site that stands up for your values here is the support link.
Thank You
M.Joseph Sheppard