After Cruz's Wisconsin result it appears the "vote stealing" in Colorado has been a train wreck for him.
Cruz has dropped a huge 6 points from 38% to 32% whilst Trump has risen from 39% to 44% giving him an 8 point nationwide lead. The new CBS poll has his lead even larger at 13 points.
The trend line is obvious;
As is the most recent nationwide aggregate poll of all polls
Trump also has the highest head to head polling against Hillary Clinton
In the new Fox poll more disaster for Cruz

Donald Trump jumps to an 18-point lead over Ted Cruz this week with record high support for the Republican nomination.
Trump tops Cruz by 45-27 percent among GOP primary voters in a new Fox News national poll on the 2016 election. John Kasich comes in third with 25 percent.
Three weeks ago, the mogul was up by three over Cruz: 41-38 percent, with Kasich at 17 percent (March 20-22, 2016).
Forty-five percent is a new high for Trump. The previous high was last month’s 41 percent.
And huge lead in Pennsylvania