As I suggested in the previous article represented below the Romney Etch a Sketch disaster will have lasting significance. Conservatives who were wavering in their hesitancy towards Romney, especially after his substantial Illinois victory and the "electability" argument" would have been disgusted with the apparent hypocrisy on show with the "shake and start over" comment.
The immediate results weren't apparent in Gallup tracking because that takes a while to reflect opinion changes but the, very effective PPP Polling firm picked up the fact that late deciders in Louisiana were breaking substantially to Santorum.
I advised, as per below that I thought that was the first fruits, especially in this conservative state, of the Etch A sketch disaster for Romney. If this is in fact the case and is repeated in ensuing primary voting then Romney is damaged goods for the general election, should he get the nomination and a brokered convention looks very likely-which should bring a smile to Palin fans.
Voting in Louisiana has Santorum with a massive lead AT THIS LINK 49% to 27% (beating PPP's Poll by 7%) and the combined anyone but Romney vote is a massive 71% with perhaps the more important Santorum/Gingrich vote at 65%-they sure don't want Mr. Etch a Sketch down in La.
PPP Polling, which has had a remarkable run of prediction success in recent GOP primary polling just reports AT THIS LINK IN FULL DETAIL)
"Santorum also appears to have the late momentum on his side. Among those who've decided who to vote for in the last few days he's at 47% to just 25% for Romney. That suggests he could end up winning by an ever wider margin than he has in this poll"
Santorum's overall lead is currently 42% to 28%. A number of factors may be contributing to the late Santorum surge, one being a decline in support for Newt Gingrich with his voters moving to some degree to Santorum. But that begs the questions as to why that is happening, if it indeed is.
It might not be because voters are worried that Romney might win as Santorum has always had a safe enough lead in Louisiana, especially with the states conservative and substantial Catholic voters.
One could, perhaps safely, conjecture that the Romney is an Etch a Sketch candidate gaffe by his campaign manager has convinced wavering conservatives who were at the point of being seduced by the media's/Romney's campaign "inevitability/electability argument, that Romney is as they always suspected-i.e. no conservative.
Thus, as I have written previously, the Gaffe marks one of the two most important moments of the campaign. It appears that the voters of Louisiana agree.
This race may well have some time to run and the Etch A Sketch disaster for the Romney team is not going away quickly, no matter how inconsequential Ann Althouse's wishful and dismissive thinking considers it to be.
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