Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Hold Coronation. Florida RINO's 46%/Conservatives 46% Libertarians 7%
Before the MSM/Country Club GOP and Beltway establishment crown, once again, the head of Mitt Romney perhaps people should stop for a moment and ask what did the voters of Florida say.
It is the same message as the voters of all the other primary states so far-a majority didn't vote for Romney. Even in Florida with a massive spend and a vicious campaign and a split conservative opposition Romney couldn't break 50%.
With 98% of the vote in Romney/Huntsman had 46% Gingrich/Santorum/ and the votes for (why?) other true conservatives totalled 46% and the libertarians Paul and Johnston gained 7%.
With PPP Polling showing Santorum polling ahead of Romney in Missouri there is absolutely no reason why the campaign should not continue with, ideally in my opinion one conservative in the race-Gingrich.
The Quiet Revolution; Black Christian Conservative Candidates May Transform America
An unnoticed silent revolution may be happening which, over time, could have dramatic impact on the traditional American voting structure. We saw in California a major reason why the same sex legislation was defeated, was that Blacks voted against the proposed law in substantial numbers.
There were conservative Blacks elected in the 2010 Tea Party landslide, including high profile conservatives like Allen West. Perhaps even more importantly, low profile Blacks were elected, which signals that it is not only personality driven candidates who can win, rather it is also candidates who reflect a deeper mood or paradigm who can win, which is a more significant sign of change.
Now that a Black has been elected to the highest office in the land, the social/emotion imperative to vote for a Democrat, no matter what ones personal circumstances, may have been removed for a number of normally conservative Blacks.
The fact that he has been shown to be no better or worse than the average run of presidents is important.It may signal to Black voters that there are no miracles of competence from any race, and there is no point in expecting a Black person, no matter how qualified to, uniquely, be an agent of transformation-economically and socially.
In fact this very proof of non-transformation may, at last, free a significant proportion of the Black voting population from their attachment to the Democratic Party.
There is no question that the Democrat's of Hubert Humphrey and LBJ were incontestably the vehicle for social reform in America and supported the Black movement that ended segregation-allowing fro the fact that it was president Eisenhower who initiated physical protection for Blacks at the early stage of the protest movement.
With those aims accomplished the question for Blacks now may be is that party the best vehicle for economic advancement? Are the conditions in Detroit or Chicago or Philadelphia indicative of a failed welfare-ism? Is self-advancement through education and,as Newt Gingrich said through eventually owning a business a better road for Blacks than welfare-ism?
If the answer to those questions is that a better road for community and individual advancement is the one that has worked for hundreds of years for one ethnic group after another who came to America. i.e. individual effort in a free economy then the intake of elected Black conservatives may mark a significant sea change.
Further a large number of elected Black office holders might bring with them their traditional Christian values and moral principles.Freed from an traditional attachment to the Democratic Party, which used their voting strength to bring in ultra-liberal social policies, and allied to the Tea Party, there could be a moral and economic regeneration of America led by a forward looking Black leadership in the tradition of Rev. Dr. King who was a Republican.
Not only do we see an increase in the number of Black conservative candidates and official but there is a significant new voice in the Blogosphere from many conservative Black commentators, many with a strong Christian focus such as Adrienne Ross at "Motivation Truth" who is just one outstanding example of a new voice from the Black community.
Here is a new example of another candidate from the new paradigm from Saucy American In NZ's' Lisa Gilmer
support Big John Smith for Congress in Tennessee
hattip: Ann Barnhardt
Hey Tennessee, support conservative candidate Big John Smith for Congress! America needs many more citizens to get involved with restoring the Republic. John Smith believes:
"With the collapse of our monetary system, our cities, states and people are in peril because of ever mounting deficits, and unemployment. To make matters even worse, we have enemies on the outside and inside of our boarders wanting our demise; no longer, can we enjoy the sense normalcy, because our national security is in peril. My friends, Sooner or later, we’re going to have to accept our responsibility as the heirs to our republic, and act! We have to acknowledge, we must make the tough choices to save our nation. We cannot continue to elect men and women who yield to their personal ambitions and philosophies or display a condescending attitude towards the electorate, while governing. This is not acceptable; especially to those who have lost everything and to others who are wondering, what the hell has happened to the country they knew! Some leaders would have you think all is well; but they are not truthful. Continue to watch the cost of living as a gauge, this will tell the story. If you can look through partisanship, the well being of our nation goes beyond party lines. I am a person who knows his actions or inactions would be accountable to one higher than his self and to the people that elected him. "I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear, I'm going to tell you the truth." With God’s help, I want to help restore our land. If you are searching for these qualities in a candidate, who truly cares for his nation, then I am your man! Thank you and God bless you!"
Read up on his beliefs and support him here.
Monday, January 30, 2012
The Nation Gets It;"Palin Staking A Claim On The Party's Heart And Soul"
John Nichols at The Nation has a brilliant article up "Sarah Versus the 'Stalinists'. Nichols article is unusual, in that it sets out what is patently obvious to one and all, who view the current Republican Party scene unblinkered by factional dogma.
Nichols sees Palin "at war" with, to use his colourful language "epic losers like John McCain and Bob Dole and epic spinners like Peggy Noonan."
It is a pleasure to see a columnist use the same spirited language as Palin, but with perhaps a bit more bite than she is allowed (although saying Governor Christie had his panties in a wad" may show she is pushing the envelope).
It is a pleasure to see a columnist use the same spirited language as Palin, but with perhaps a bit more bite than she is allowed (although saying Governor Christie had his panties in a wad" may show she is pushing the envelope).
That rhetoric aside, Nichols raises serious points about a serious matter, the battle for the very heart and soul of the Republican Party.
To me the core of Nichols argument is the following. By all means please read the whole article
By positioning herself as the champion of the party’s grassroots in a battle with an aging and out-of-touch establishment, Palin is staking a claim on the party’s heart and soul. It is she, not Gingrich, and certainly not Romney, who may be best placed to come out of a bitter nominating fight as the favorite of the delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa and of Tea Partisans who will need to be energized if Republicans are going to be viable in the fall.
Even as she attacks the likely GOP nominee, Palin makes herself the essential Republican. That translates into talk of her as a convention keynoter, a vice presidential prospect or a Cabinet member in a new GOP administration. Palin would take the keynoter gig, in a heartbeat (high-profile, few risks), but don’t think that she would casually lower herself to accept another second spot on a crashing Republican ticket.
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Videos Of Palin On Hannity And Napolitano Today.Double Your Pleasure
Governor Palin on Sean Hannity
With thanks to Adrienne Ross at Motivation Truth
Governor Palin was Sean Hannity's guest tonight on his Fox News television show. She discussed her recent Facebook notecalling out the GOP establishment, and once again she voiced the importance of continuing this primary process. The Governor is adamant that there are many ideas yet to be articulated by the four candidates; therefore, the best way to hear those ideas is for the process to go on.
Also, hear what she says are each candidates' strengths:
Also, hear what she says are each candidates' strengths:
(Video retrieved from SarahNET)
Governor Palin Explains 'Rage Against the Machine' to Judge Napolitano
Judge Napolitano interviewed Governor Palin on Fox Business tonight, and right out of the gate he asked her what she meant when she told Judge Pirro that voters in Florida should "rage against the machine" by voting for Newt Gingrich:
I want voters to rise up and allow this vetting process to continue so we can start hearing even more ideas--articulated even clearer what the solutions are--from these candidates, and how we're going to get back on the right track...we're only going to have that through an extended vetting process.
Judge Napolitano pressed Governor Palin on the candidacy of Ron Paul, stressing that he has consistently taken the right stands on issues that matter to conservatives. The Governor, not wanting to be dismissive of Ron Paul but wanting to be "practical," had this to say:
I want to make sure that my one vote really counts, and when you look at the numbers--when you do the math--you see that Romney and Newt Gingrich are the two front runners, and--it appears today--it's one or the other.
Governor Palin makes it clear that it is what it is, so one must spend her/his vote on a conservative candidate with a record of reform, one who can first, actually win the nomination and second, eventually beat President Obama.
(h/t SarahNET)
As Romney Edges Nearer Nomination So Trump Edges Nearer Third Party Run
It appears to me there are some things that are certain in this campaign season.
1. A vote for Santorum in Florida is a vote for Romney. This is not some unique insight on my part as it is obvious.You can see the same reasoning at Prof. Jacobson's Legal Insurrection site.
2. Trump advises that if the GOP nominates "a stiff" he would run. It is clear, I think he has no time for Romney and if Mitt is the nominee I would be sure Trump will run. If he does not only does he have an outside chance of winning, if there were for example a major economic meltdown before the election-which is of course possible. The latest Trump thinking, which looks ominous for the GOP is AT THIS LINK
here is the relevant extract;
ABC News’ Huma Khan and Jennifer Wlach report:
Donald Trump’s top political adviser told ABC News he’s speaking to “high-level political operatives” to explore a third-party presidential bid on behalf of the real estate mogul, in a sign that Trump may not quite be done with the 2012 presidential race just yet.
“I can confirm that over the past two weeks I have spoken with many high-level political operatives, campaign managers, finance directors — some of whom I have spoken to in the past. Most are new people from all over the country,” said Michael Cohen, executive vice president at the Trump Organization and special counsel to the reality-TV star.
But the major beneficiary of a Trump run would of course be President Obama who would win in an, undeserved, landslide in electoral college votes. I would imagine the combined Trump/Romney popular vote to be higher than Obama's unless disgusted conservatives stay at home. What that would do to the down ticket is unimaginable.
In that scenario a Romney candidacy would be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP in 2012. On the other hand, should that happen the way for a true conservative, hopefully Palin, to run in 2016, would be opened as there would not be a RINO as nominee for generations.
The ball is in the hands of, firstly, Santorum's supporters to vote for Gingrich in Florida to ensure, at least that the race remains fluid and Santorum has a chance going forwards. Secondly it is in the hands of Republican voters to ensure that Romney doesn't get the nomination the consequences of which could be, likely will be, utterly disastrous.
The illustration of how Trump could win is AT THIS LINK
1. A vote for Santorum in Florida is a vote for Romney. This is not some unique insight on my part as it is obvious.You can see the same reasoning at Prof. Jacobson's Legal Insurrection site.
2. Trump advises that if the GOP nominates "a stiff" he would run. It is clear, I think he has no time for Romney and if Mitt is the nominee I would be sure Trump will run. If he does not only does he have an outside chance of winning, if there were for example a major economic meltdown before the election-which is of course possible. The latest Trump thinking, which looks ominous for the GOP is AT THIS LINK
here is the relevant extract;
ABC News’ Huma Khan and Jennifer Wlach report:
Donald Trump’s top political adviser told ABC News he’s speaking to “high-level political operatives” to explore a third-party presidential bid on behalf of the real estate mogul, in a sign that Trump may not quite be done with the 2012 presidential race just yet.
“I can confirm that over the past two weeks I have spoken with many high-level political operatives, campaign managers, finance directors — some of whom I have spoken to in the past. Most are new people from all over the country,” said Michael Cohen, executive vice president at the Trump Organization and special counsel to the reality-TV star.
But the major beneficiary of a Trump run would of course be President Obama who would win in an, undeserved, landslide in electoral college votes. I would imagine the combined Trump/Romney popular vote to be higher than Obama's unless disgusted conservatives stay at home. What that would do to the down ticket is unimaginable.
In that scenario a Romney candidacy would be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP in 2012. On the other hand, should that happen the way for a true conservative, hopefully Palin, to run in 2016, would be opened as there would not be a RINO as nominee for generations.
The ball is in the hands of, firstly, Santorum's supporters to vote for Gingrich in Florida to ensure, at least that the race remains fluid and Santorum has a chance going forwards. Secondly it is in the hands of Republican voters to ensure that Romney doesn't get the nomination the consequences of which could be, likely will be, utterly disastrous.
The illustration of how Trump could win is AT THIS LINK
White House;"Irresponsible" To Speculate On Michelle Obama's Spending.But Was OK To Lie About Palin's Campaign Clothes?
According to The Washington Examiner’s "Campaign 2012" the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is railing against the” irresponsible media” for running what he describes as a “badly sourced” article about Michelle Obama’s alleged lingerie shopping spree.
"It’s irresponsible for an American news organization to repeat this story even allowing that it could be true," Carney said during today's press briefing. "It's utterly false," he also said.
The Telegraph, a London newspaper, claimed that the First Lady spent $50,000 at a luxury lingerie shop, but didn't identify a source for the claim. The store CEO "refused to be drawn on the stores’ closely kept 'secret client list,'" The Telegraph said. "But he admitted the brand had attracted a high number of “unexpected famous names” – especially in the US, where sales have overtaken the UK."
Whether or not Michelle Obama is some sort of modern day Marie Antoinette, decked out in Agent Provocateur underwear, what is a work here is the utter hypocrisy of the left.
When Sarah Palin was provided with clothes by the GOP to prepare the basically small town girl for the big stage the media went absolutely berserk.
She was portrayed,stairized and viciously attacked as some sort of big spending trailer trash woman and the alleged money she was supposed to have splashed out with went to astronomical figures.
That she hadn’t asked for the clothes that were provided for her, and it is perfectly normal for someone in her position to be given clothes and other items-was she supposed to have bought all of them from her own money?
To have needed, perfectly legitimately, a large wardrobe for all the public events she was scheduled for was passed over in the left-wing media’s feeding frenzy.
Now that Palin is not perceived as a threat to the Dem’s and anyone can see that she is not a fashionista spendthrift the MSM has let the matter drop.
But let anyone imply that Michelle Obama goes on expensive holidays or spend up large on clothing and they are “irresponsible”. Saul Alinsky is alive and well in the attack attack, attack leftist game plan.
"It’s irresponsible for an American news organization to repeat this story even allowing that it could be true," Carney said during today's press briefing. "It's utterly false," he also said.
The Telegraph, a London newspaper, claimed that the First Lady spent $50,000 at a luxury lingerie shop, but didn't identify a source for the claim. The store CEO "refused to be drawn on the stores’ closely kept 'secret client list,'" The Telegraph said. "But he admitted the brand had attracted a high number of “unexpected famous names” – especially in the US, where sales have overtaken the UK."
Whether or not Michelle Obama is some sort of modern day Marie Antoinette, decked out in Agent Provocateur underwear, what is a work here is the utter hypocrisy of the left.
When Sarah Palin was provided with clothes by the GOP to prepare the basically small town girl for the big stage the media went absolutely berserk.
She was portrayed,stairized and viciously attacked as some sort of big spending trailer trash woman and the alleged money she was supposed to have splashed out with went to astronomical figures.
That she hadn’t asked for the clothes that were provided for her, and it is perfectly normal for someone in her position to be given clothes and other items-was she supposed to have bought all of them from her own money?
To have needed, perfectly legitimately, a large wardrobe for all the public events she was scheduled for was passed over in the left-wing media’s feeding frenzy.
Now that Palin is not perceived as a threat to the Dem’s and anyone can see that she is not a fashionista spendthrift the MSM has let the matter drop.
But let anyone imply that Michelle Obama goes on expensive holidays or spend up large on clothing and they are “irresponsible”. Saul Alinsky is alive and well in the attack attack, attack leftist game plan.
The View From England's Premier Newspaper "Palin Would Have Been A Far Better Candidate Against Romney"
British historian Dr. Tim Stanley has written a brilliant analysis of the current GOP campaign AT THIS LINK in England's paper of record the Telegraph.
Sarah Palin is right: Newt Gingrich is getting crucified by Mitt Romney's millions"
And especially, as he describes it the "blatantly false"tactics of Mitt Romney. Stanley expresses that Palin would have been a better candidate than Gingrich to oppose Romney and candidate and that she has "denied her country a robust candidate.Often it takes someone who is above the fray, an outsider like Dr.Stanley to see the obvious facts and present a clear picture of what is happening which those in the middle of the fray can either not see or not admit.
What is clear is that Romney is tearing the Republican party apart and only Palin could have held it together in face of the Romney/establishment attacks. the future looks very poor at this time but the darkness may be before the new dawn in 2016
Newt Gingrich is a weaker Tea Party candidate than Sarah Palin might have been
Sarah Palin has spoken, and she says that the Republican establishment is “trying to crucify” Newt Gingrich. To a large extent, she is right (although Newt probably supplied his own nails).
Sarah Palin says that Romney’s momentum is thanks to a coordinated effort by the GOP establishment to deny a genuine conservative the nomination. “Look at Newt Gingrich, what's going on with him via the establishment's attacks,” she told Fox’s John Stossel. “They're trying to crucify this man and rewrite history and rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.”
Mrs Palin is mostly correct. TPM reports that Romney and his Super PAC have outspent Gingrich on negative ads by a ratio of 5:1 in Florida.
And so many of Mitt’s ads are blatantly false.
Romney might reply that it’s a free country and if he wants to buy the Republican nomination, he’s welcome to. His fundraising prowess testifies to his political abilities. But the success of his dirty campaign also owes something to Newt Gingrich. These attacks wouldn’t be nearly as effective if Newt wasn’t such a tarnished candidate.
In short, the success of the establishment attacks reflects the personal weaknesses of Newt. And it raises the question of why there isn’t a stronger conservative in the race. Sarah Palin, for example?
Palin would have been a far better candidate against Romney because her negatives had already been well discussed (to the point of tedium) and her democratic image would’ve contrasted nicely with Mitt’s elitism. Gingrich hailed from the Beltway and was tainted with Freddie’s money, while Palin would have spoken from the heartlands. But rather than running, she chose to stay above the fray and post the odd protest at the perfidious war on other, lesser conservatives.
It was a smart move – a move that has safeguarded her reputation and allowed her to go on making money as a commentator. But she has also denied her country a robust Tea Party candidacy, and that could dent her maverick image in the long run.
It’s understandable that Sarah Palin didn’t want to get crucified like Newt. But, as the old hymn goes, “No cross, no crown.”
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Sunday, January 29, 2012
"Gingrich Surging" In Florida.Gap Closes To 5 points.Palin's Endorsement The Key Once Again.
Insider advantage poll just out AT THIS LINK http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/gingrich-romney-insideradvantage-poll/2012/01/29/id/425901has Newt Gingrich within 5 points of Mitt Romney in Florida. This follows a PPP poll earlier in the day which had Gingrich closing to within 7.
"The trend is to Gingrich" the pollster advises and it may be "closer than previously thought." An NBC poll out yesterday had Romney up 15 points reported gleefully in a transparent effort by the media to run Gingrich down.
What has happened subsequently,as in South Carolina is that Palin has suggested Florida voters support Gingrich,an endorsement by Herman Cain preceded that call and the Tea party is mobilizing for the non-Romney non-RINO.
The Sunday results of 646 likely GOP voters are as follows:
- Romney 36 percent
- Gingrich 31 percent
- Santorum 12 percent
- Paul 12 percent
- Other/Undecided 9 percent
Towery noted that his poll showed a surge for Romney on Wednesday, with him leading Gingrich by 8 points. The InsiderAdvantage poll was among the first to show Romney's resurgence after his dismal showing in the S. Carolina primary.
The InsiderAdvantage poll was also the first to show Gingrich's rise in S. Carolina and accurately forecast his win there.
"The trend is favoring Gingrich," Towery said, noting that while Romney's lead was still outside the margin of error of 3.8 percent, "It's not by much."
PPP Poll report
This just in from the reliable polling firm PPP Polling. It shows a slight drop for Romney and fall for Santorum with Newt staying the same.
The ball is very much in Santorum supporters hands. Ridiculous polls like NBC's have Romney way out in front, a 15 point lead for goodness sake-we shall see which is the more accurate.
Romney has an advantage as many have voted before the campaign started when he was way out in front before South Carolina.
So it would seem that the only way Gingrich can win is if Santorum's supporters vote for Newt en-mass, which is in their candidates long term interest if a Romney win otherwise means Mitt runs away with the nomination.
Not Over Yet.PPP Poll Has Romney's Lead Down To 7 Points.If Santorum's Supporters Vote For Viable Non-Romney Gingrich Can Win
This just in from the reliable polling firm PPP Polling. It shows a slight drop for Romney and fall for Santorum with Newt staying the same.
The ball is very much in Santorum supporters hands. Ridiculous polls like NBC's have Romney way out in front, a 15 point lead for goodness sake-we shall see which is the more accurate.
Romney has an advantage as many have voted before the campaign started when he was way out in front before South Carolina.
So it would seem that the only way Gingrich can win is if Santorum's supporters vote for Newt en-mass, which is in their candidates long term interest if a Romney win otherwise means Mitt runs away with the nomination.
Florida Polls; Gingrich/Santorum 43% Romney 42%; Conservative Split Is Giving Romney Unwarranted Win
The average of the four latest polls out of Florida this morning AT THIS LINK has the Romneyites crowing as they show an apparent massive lead for him . This lead is based, according to analysis on Romney' supposed "electability."
That this electability may well be a Chimera which will disappear if Romney gets the nomination and is subject to the full force of the lefts blowtorch is something that I believe we may well find out to our cost.
I also believe that the whole thing is moot as if Romney does get the nomination a substantial number of conservatives will not vote for him and Trump or Ron Paul will go third party which will bring a disastrous result for the GOP.
Perhaps, in the long run, it might be for the best as it would clear out the RINO's and allow for a true conservative candidate in 2016.
That Romney's lead is based on a split amongst conservative forces with Santorum being the spoiler is obvious with just a quick glance at the polls.
The aggregate of Gingrich and Santorum's support is 43.2% compared to Romney's 42%. If one added in Ron Paul's support Romney would of course be swamped. So much for Romney being the overwhelming choice of Republicans in this Republican only closed primary.
the nationwide poll, which is out of the reach of Romney's money unlike Florida shows Gingrich in the lead and the combined non-Romney forces with a huge lead. So much for the GOP establishment backing the most popular choice. Romney is on 27.5% and Gingrich/Santorum 47.1% are people blind to the obvious?
The choice for Santorum, whose campaign is hopeless, is clear,if he endorsed Gingrich, then a conservative would have a real shot at the nomination. By staying in he is ensuring Romney is well on his way to winning.
If Santorum doesn't go, for whatever reason, then it is in the hands of his supporters to ensure a non-Romney win.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Best Wishes To The Santorum Family For The Health Of Their Ill Daughter Bella
The AP reports that Rick Santorum is stopping his Florida campaign to spend time with his daughter who is hospitalized with a genetic disease.
Hopefully there is no permanent crisis and whatever is currently wrong with his daughter Bella will be transient.
I extend my prayerful thoughts to the Santorum family at what must be a difficult and stressful time for them.
Hopefully there is no permanent crisis and whatever is currently wrong with his daughter Bella will be transient.
I extend my prayerful thoughts to the Santorum family at what must be a difficult and stressful time for them.
Cain Endorses Gingrich;Lines Drawn-For Romney;McCain/Pawlenty/Huntsman.For Gingrich;Palin/Cain/Perry
With Herman Cain's endorsement of Newt Gingrich tonight and Sarah Palin advising to vote for Gingrich, also tonight, for the reasons she outlines the lines twice in the video below, the lines couldn't be more clearly drawn.
The GOP establishment, whom Palin castigated today for their "cannibal" attacks on Gingrich, the Beltway elite and the MSM are lined up behind Romney whose most prominent backers are Huntsman, McCain and Pawlenty.
The true conservtaive wing is represented by Palin, Cain and Perry. It is vital that the remaining conservative candidates supporters vote tactically in Florida and Virginia, to ensure the conservative element goes on to receive the nomination, as I set out below.
Some online polls have Romney running away with Florida at 11 points above Gingrich.
However Gallup's nationwide poll still shows newt ahead of Romney outside the MOE and tonight we have the first reputable poll from PPP which got South Carolina almost right.
PPP has Romney at 40 % and Gingrich at 32% with Santorum-who has given up at 15 %.
Again, if Santorum and Paul's supporters think strategically they can stop Romney in Florida and give their respective campaign a chance down the line. if they split the vote they may well give Romney his coronation.
Will tonight's make statements from Palin and Cain change the scene once again-it will if Santorum and Paul's supporters take notice.
With Cain's endorsement the sides are clearly drawn. For Romney; McCain/Pawlenty/Huntsman For Gingrich; Palin/Perry/Cain. The message to Santorum's supporters is clear.
Here is Palin's call "Rage against The machine vote Newt"
Here's Herman making it official;
The GOP establishment, whom Palin castigated today for their "cannibal" attacks on Gingrich, the Beltway elite and the MSM are lined up behind Romney whose most prominent backers are Huntsman, McCain and Pawlenty.
The true conservtaive wing is represented by Palin, Cain and Perry. It is vital that the remaining conservative candidates supporters vote tactically in Florida and Virginia, to ensure the conservative element goes on to receive the nomination, as I set out below.
Some online polls have Romney running away with Florida at 11 points above Gingrich.
However Gallup's nationwide poll still shows newt ahead of Romney outside the MOE and tonight we have the first reputable poll from PPP which got South Carolina almost right.
PPP has Romney at 40 % and Gingrich at 32% with Santorum-who has given up at 15 %.
Again, if Santorum and Paul's supporters think strategically they can stop Romney in Florida and give their respective campaign a chance down the line. if they split the vote they may well give Romney his coronation.
Will tonight's make statements from Palin and Cain change the scene once again-it will if Santorum and Paul's supporters take notice.
With Cain's endorsement the sides are clearly drawn. For Romney; McCain/Pawlenty/Huntsman For Gingrich; Palin/Perry/Cain. The message to Santorum's supporters is clear.
Here is Palin's call "Rage against The machine vote Newt"
Here's Herman making it official;
Romney's Lead Narrows To 8 In PPP Poll;Cain Endorses Newt;Palin "Vote Newt"
Some online polls have Romney running away with Florida at 11 points above Gingrich.
However Gallup's nationwide poll still shows newt ahead of Romney outside the MOE and tonight we have the first reputable poll from PPP which got South Carolina almost right.
PPP has Romney at 40 % and Gingrich at 32% with Santorum-who has given up at 15 %.
Again, if Santorum and Paul's supporters think strategically they can stop Romney in Florida and give their respective campaign a chance down the line. if they split the vote they may well give Romney his coronation.
Will tonight's make statements from Palin and Cain change the scene once again-it will if Santorum and Paul's supporters take notice.
With Cain's endorsement the sides are clearly drawn. For Romney; McCain/Pawlenty/Huntsman For Gingrich; Palin/Perry/Cain. The message to Santorum's supporters is clear.
Here's Herman making it official;
Here is Palin's call "Rage against The machine vote Newt"
Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination Saturday night:
However Gallup's nationwide poll still shows newt ahead of Romney outside the MOE and tonight we have the first reputable poll from PPP which got South Carolina almost right.
PPP has Romney at 40 % and Gingrich at 32% with Santorum-who has given up at 15 %.
Again, if Santorum and Paul's supporters think strategically they can stop Romney in Florida and give their respective campaign a chance down the line. if they split the vote they may well give Romney his coronation.
Will tonight's make statements from Palin and Cain change the scene once again-it will if Santorum and Paul's supporters take notice.
With Cain's endorsement the sides are clearly drawn. For Romney; McCain/Pawlenty/Huntsman For Gingrich; Palin/Perry/Cain. The message to Santorum's supporters is clear.
Here's Herman making it official;
Here is Palin's call "Rage against The machine vote Newt"
Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain endorsed Newt Gingrich for the GOP nomination Saturday night:
The author of the now-famous 9-9-9 tax plan announced his endorsement in West Palm Beach, Florida, three days ahead of that state’s vital primary. The endorsement is a welcome boost for Gingrich, who has found himself having to defend himself against a vicious onslaught of attacks from former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
"It is time for conservatives and Republicans to refocus their attention on the ultimate mission of defeating President Obama," Cain said at the Palm Beach County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner. "I believe Speaker Gingrich is the bold leader we need to accomplish this mission."
Cain and Gingrich both come from the Atlanta area and have been friends for more than 20 years. The two men worked together in the early 1990s to help defeat Hillary Clinton’s plans for healthcare, and as House Speaker, Gingrich appointed Cain to the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform Commission – better known as the Kemp Commission.
Gingrich said he was “honored” to have Cain’s support and immediately announced that the former pizza mogul would co-chair his tax reform and economic growth advisory council.
The venue for the endorsement was as unique as Cain’s spirited style – with Gingrich actually stepping in for Herman Cain as the headliner for the Palm Beach County event. The former House Speaker took over Cain's spot as keynote speaker at the Palm Beach County Republican Party's Lincoln Day dinner Sat. evening. Cain then stole back the limelight with his surprise endorsement.
AP reports;Santorum Didn't Campaign In Florida And "Has Conceded The State" Then Why Vote For Him Instead of Newt?
The Associated Press reports that both Rick Santorum and Ron Paul did not campaign in Florida today the weekend before the balloting .There were earlier reports that Santorum had gone home "broke and tired."
From where I sit it seems to me only logical that if the non-Romney support goes to Gingrich, the only one with a chance to win in Florida, then it will hold off the Romney coronation and Santorum and Paul will continue to have a chance.
As it stands if their supporters vote for them in Florida then the media will crow it is all over and it will be that much harder for them to stay in the race.
Surely common sense, or at least self interest must prevail?
It's Palin's Fault Newt is Losing Florida; Fineman At Huffpost Confirms Palin's :Media Cannibal" Post
Almost as if they can't help themselves the very media establishment that Sarah Palin castigated so vehemently yesterday in her passionate Facebook post have immediately proven her correct.
here's Howard Fineman at Huffington Post giving a point by point analysis of why, in his opinion, Newt Gingrich is seeing "the air" coming out of his Florida campaign.
The Palin Factor. Some D.C.-based establishment types were preparing to reconcile themselves to former House Speaker Gingrich, if not outright endorse him, before or after the South Carolina primary last week. But according to one such insider, who asked not to be identified because of her prominent corporate lobbying role, Gingrich fatally said on Jan. 18 -- three days before the primary -- that he would offer former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a "major role in the next administration if I'm president." That one statement scared the accept-Newt, Republican-establishment types. "That sure did it for me, and I think for a lot of other people in town," the lobbyist said
As you can see, the first bullet point advised that it is the scary Sarah Palin's fault. or rather just the thought that she might hold an office in a Gingrich administration was enough to turn an huge Gingrich lead into a Romney victory.
How Palin managed to ensure Gingrich's massive victory in South Carolina, a landslide, whilst being so frightening, is not canvassed. one of life mysteries.
These journolists (sic) don't seem to realize that the jig is up. To write a paragraph which includes such rubbish as unidentified sources, too frightened to say who they are, and discussing ideas "other people" may have, shows a total lack of credibility and journalistic quality and is so transparently biased.
This is supposed to be quality journalism;
"according to one insider who doesn't want to be identified"
"that sure did it for me and I think a lot of other people in town"
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